To Accelerate Deregulation, Government Finishes 31 Economic Policies

By Humas     Date 21 September 2015
Category: News
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CM,E Darmin Nasution when explaining Economic Policy Package Stage I on 9 September 2015 at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta

Since President Joko Widodo launched Economic Policy Package Stage I on 9 September 2015, the Government has finished the discussion of deregulation of 31 from 134 regulations which include in the Economic Policy Package.

“We continue to work simultaneously to finish the deregulation package as soon as possible,”  Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution said that on Thursday (17/9), in Jakarta.

The 31 deregulations are expected to accelerate the development of a conducive macroeconomic, boost national economy, protect low-income people and stimulate the economy in rural areas.

Previously, Minister of State Secretary has regulated the Office of Coordinating Ministry for the Economy as a coordination post (posko) of the Completion of Economic Policy Package Acceleration.

“The Economic Policy Package is under Coordinating Minister for Economy’s coordination. There is a post to accelerate the deregulation and we proceed it at Coordinating Ministry for the Economy,” State Secretary Pratikno said on Thursday, in Jakarta.


Accelerate the Discussion

Public relations of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy in his press statement on Thursday (17/9) mentioned the 31 changes on the regulations, among others; one Presidential Instruction, three Presidential Regulations, eight Government Regulations, 17 Minister Regulations of several ministries and two other regulations.

The ministries’ regulations including one Presidential Instruction at the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, four Government Regulations at Ministry of Finance, one Government Regulation at Ministry of Agriculture and two Government Regulations at Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), as well as one Government Regulation at Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing, one Government Regulation at Ministry of Tourism, 17 Ministerial Regulations at Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (UKM) and two regulations of the Head of the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM).

The Government Regulation that has changed, namely; Government Regulation No 32 of 2009 on Bonded Dump. Through the deregulation regarding logistic centre, it is expected that the price of raw material could be cheaper and production cost will be lower.

The change on the Government Regulation is expected to attract foreign investment to open Bonded Warehouse and Bonded Logistic Centre, as well as to establish a company or open a representative office in Indonesia, in order to create potention of revenue from tax sector.

By having their own warehouse, the investors will be free from storage cost and will shorten the dwelling time at port.

The press statement added that once the 31 deregulations are enacted, the Government will immediately accelerate the discussion of cross ministries and other institutions regulation from 134 policy deregulation lists announced by President Joko Widodo on 9 Septermber 2015.  (ES/Humas)(RAS/MMB/YM-Naster/Sy)

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