To Prevent ISIS, President Instructs to Monitor Indonesian Citizens to Middle East

By Humas     Date 18 September 2014
Category: News
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foto_djoko_suIn order to prevent the involvement of Indonesian Citizens into the network of radical Islamic Movement, Islamic State of Iraq and Syiria (ISIS), President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) instructed the related ranks to hold the departures of Indonesian Citizens to Middle East countries.

“The issuance of passport and visa should be selective, and the Indonesian Citizens who will depart to the Middle East should be monitored,” President SBY urged it as delivered by the Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities Djoko Suyanto in a press conference held after the specific meeting in Presidential Office Jakarta, on Sunday evening.

President also instructed all institutions to follow and monitor the traffic of names listed on the Police Inventory in Syria.

“There are names, there are data, and we have to keep monitoring them whether they stay there or return. According to the report, there were 4 people died who fought in Syria,” Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities explained.

Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities Affairs accompanied by Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa, Minister of Religious Affairs Lukman Hakim Saefudin, Indonesian Military Commander General Moeldoko, Head of National Intelligence Agency Marciano Norman, Chief of Police General Sutarman, and Deputy Minister of Legal and Human Rights Deny Indrayana said that, President SBY also emphasized the importance of supervising foreign citizens and also the tightening supervision towards terrorism convicts in penitentiary throughout Indonesia.

“There are instructions to limit the visits and behaviors of terrorism convicts. It is because some reports said that a number of Indonesian Citizens who depart to Syria and join ISIS are them who had been jailed for terrorism case,” the Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities said it.

Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities Djoko Suyanto gave an example of the arrest of 3 Indonesian Citizens and 4 foreign citizens from Turkey by the police in Central Sulawesi on last Saturday and they have been investigated for their involvements in terrorism activities in that area.

President SBY also urged him to improve the supervision towards territories that have conflict potentials such as Poso, East Java, Ambon, and Central Java, as a a classic area of radical movement sources.

As for the efforts of soft power that have been conducted by the Minister of Religious Affairs recently, President SBY urged it to be maintained.

According to the Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities, the last instruction of President SBY to prevent the development of radical movements such as ISIS, some strict actions should be conducted to anyone who threatens the state stability.

As reported earlier, the specific meeting that discussed the development of ISIS was attended by Vice President Boediono, Coordinating Minister for Politic, Legal, and Securities Affairs Djoko Suyanto, Coordinating Minister for People’s Welfare Agung Laksono, Minister of Home Affairs Gamawan Fauzi, Minister of Defence Affairs Purnomo Yosgiantoro, Minister of State Secretariat Sudi Silalahi, Cabinet Secretary Dipo Alam, Minister of Foreign Affairs Marty Natalegawa, Attorney General Basrief Arief, Indonesian Military Commander General Moeldoko, Head of National Intelligence Agency Marciano Norman, Chief of Police General Sutarman. (Humas Setkab/TAD/ES)

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