To Shape Same Perception, President Jokowi Encourages Relevant Officers to Undergo Integrated Training in Juvenile Criminal Court

By Humas     Date 18 Desember 2014
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To Shape Same Perception, President Jokowi Encourages Relevant Officers to Undergo Integrated Training in Juvenile Criminal Court

In order to implement Article 92 paragraph (4) of Law Number 11 of 2012 concerning Juvenile Court System, and in order to shape the same perception in handling children who have to confront law under Indonesia’s Juvenile Criminal Court System, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on 1 December 2014 signed Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 175 of 2014 concerning Integrated Education and Training in Juvenile Criminal Court System for Law Enforcers and Relevant Officers.

The Perpres mentions that the integrated education and training are aimed to (a) improve law enforcers’ and relevant officers’ knowledge about children’s rights, justice, restorative measures, and diversion under Indonesia’s Juvenile Criminal Court System, (b) improve law enforcers’ and relevant officers’ competence in handling children who have to confront law, and (c) fulfill the need for law enforcers and relevant officers to implement Indonesia’s Juvenile Criminal Court System.

“The integrated education and training are conducted by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, and can be conducted by other law-enforcing agencies and institutions in coordination with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights,” Article 4 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Perpres Number 175 of 2014 reads.

The participants of the integrated education and training are relevant officers included in the Juvenile Criminal Court System. They consist of (a) child investigators, (b) public prosecutors handling children, (c) judges handling children, (d) social counselors, (e) advocates, (f) legal counsels, (g) officers of Child Detention Centers, (h) officers of Children’s Special Care Centers, (i) officers of Social Welfare Institutes, (j) professional social workers or social welfare workers.

This Presidential Regulation (Perpres) also asserts that the formulation of the curricula, methods, and modules of the integrated education and training must involve law enforcers and relevant officers. Such formulation is stipulated in the Minister of Law and Human Rights Regulations.

“The shortest duration of the integrated education and training must be no less than 120 hours, and the duration of one lesson-hour is 45 minutes,” Article 8 paragraphs (1) and (2) of Perpres Number 175 of 2014 reads.

According to this Perpres, the teaching staff of the integrated education and training come from state officials, careers officials, university lecturers, experts, and/or practitioners, upon the condition that they must (a) be knowledgeable about juvenile court systems, (b) be skilled in teaching, and (c) have a bachelor’s (S1) degree at a minimum.

According to this Perpres, those who have successfully completed the integrated education and training will be awarded a certificate.

This Perpres also asserts that the financing of the integrated education and training will be imposed on the budget of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights and will start in 2016.

“This Presidential Regulation is effective since the date of its promulgation,” Article 13 of the Perpres reads. This Perpres was promulgated by Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna H. Laoly on 3 December 2014. (Pusdatin/ES)

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