Transportation Minister Delivers Statement after Sriwijaya Air Plane Loses Contact

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 9 Januari 2021
Category: News
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Ministry of Transportation and other stakeholders have explained the temporary chronology of the accident of Sriwijaya Air SJY 182 plane after it lost contact en route from Jakarta to Pontianak, Saturday (09/01).

“We, together with Chairperson of the National Transportation Safety Commission (KNKT), the Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) and the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) – the Indonesian National Police (Polri) as well as airport stakeholders, are at Soekarno Hatta Airport to conduct coordination measures. The Sriwijaya aircraft en route from Jakarta to Pontianak, with SJY 182 call sign, has lost contact. The last contact was at 14:40 Western Indonesian Time. We are very concerned about this accident,” Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said in a virtual press conference at Soekarno Hatta Airport, Saturday (09/01) quoted by web page.

The temporary chronology of the accident is as follows:

– The Sriwijaya SJY 182 aircraft took off from Soekarno Hatta Airport to Pontianak at 14.36 Western Indonesia Time.

– At 14.37 Western Indonesia Time the plane passed 1,700 feet and made contact with the Jakarta Approach. The plane was allowed to reach the altitude of 29,000 feet following the Standard Instrument Departure.

– At 14:40 Western Indonesia Time, the Jakarta Approach saw that the Sriwijaya Airplane was not heading for 075 degrees but headed northwest, therefore it was asked by the ATC to report the direction of the aircraft.

– Within seconds, the plane disappeared from radar. The operations manager coordinates directly with the Basarnas, the airport of arrival, and other related agencies.

– Total passenger of the Plane is 50 people (40 adults, 7 children, and 3 babies), plus 12 flight crew (6 active crew and 6 extra crew).

Currently the rescue team has dispatched a number of vessels to provide assistance, namely vessels from the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of Ministry of Transportation, the Basarnas vessels (3 vessels, 3 rubber boats, 2 sea riders), and the Indonesian Navy vessels (KRI Lalat, KRI Kurau, KRI Siwar, and KRI Cut Nyak Dien)

The Minister further said that the contact number for the victims’ families is available via SRIWIJAYA AIR HOTLINE (FOR PASSENGER INFORMATION): 021 80637817 or at the office at TERMINAL ARRIVAL 2D OF SOEKARNO HATTA AIRPORT. (PR of Ministry of Transportation/ UN) (RI/MMB)

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