Transportation Ministry Issues New Regulation on Passenger Transport

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 9 Juni 2020
Category: News
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Image source: the BNPB.

Ministry of Transportation on 8 June 2020 issued Regulation of Minister of Transportation (Permenhub) Number 41 of 2020 on Amendment to Regulation of Minister of Transportation Number 18 of 2020 on Transportation Control to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19.

“Following up the Circular of the National COVID-19 Task Force Number 7 of 2020 on Criteria and Requirements for Passenger Transport in the New Normal Towards Productive and Safe Communities, Ministry of Transportation has issued transportation control regulation which is an amendment to Regulation of Minister of Transportation Number 18 of 2020,” Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said in Jakarta, Tuesday (9/6).

The Minister said that transportation control focuses on health aspects to ensure that the public can be productive and still safe from COVID-19. Budi also said that the policy is based on directives of President “Jokowi” Widodo.

In general, the scope of transportation control is the areas imposing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). Transportation control covers land transport, sea transport, air transport and rail transport.

Passengers of public transport and private vehicles, as well as operators of transportation facilities and infrastructure are required to comply with health protocols, impose restrictions on the number of passengers and implement physical distancing during travel preparation and the trip, and after the arrival.

“The limitation on the number of passengers in transport facilities will be stipulated by Circular of Minister of Transportation,” the Minister said.

Several amendments to the Regulation of Minister of Transportation include:

  • In Regulation of Minister of Transportation Number 18 of 2020, the maximum passenger is limited to 50 percent of total seating capacity while Regulation of Minister of Transportation Number 41 of 2020 stipulates that the maximum passenger will be further stipulated by Circular of Minister of Transportation.
  • The use of motorbikes that carry passengers must comply with health protocols such as: conducting activities permitted during the PSBB, disinfecting vehicles and equipment before and after activities, using face masks and gloves, and avoiding riding motorbikes if body temperature rises above normal.
  • Air transportation control includes capacity adjustment (slot time) based on evaluation conducted by Ministry of Transportation.
  • Imposition of administrative sanctions on passenger transport and freight transport operators that violate the provisions will start with written warning, license suspension, license revocation, and administrative fines.
  • Dissemination, control, and supervision of the implementation of the Ministerial Regulation will be carried out by various institutions, including Minister of Transportation, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, National Police Chief, Governors, Regents/Mayors, the COVID-19 Task Force, the Technical Unit of Ministry of Transportation, and transport operators.

For the record, Circular of the National COVID-19 Task Force Number 7 of 2020 stipulates criteria and requirements for individuals to travel, including wearing face mask, keeping a safe distance, and washing hands.

The requirements that must be met by an individual for domestic travel are identity card or other valid identification, PCR test certificate with a negative result that is valid for 7 days, or a test certificate for Rapid test with non-reactive result which is valid for 3 days at the time of departure. A traveler from areas that do not have PCR and Rapid Test facilities must obtain certificate issued by medical doctor from a hospital/community health center declaring that the holder does not have influenza symptoms.

The domestic travel requirements do not apply for  commuters and people traveling within the agglomeration of regions.

The passenger arriving from abroad is required to carry out the PCR test at the time of arrival if he cannot show the results of the PCR test from the country of departure. PCR test in the Cross Border Post (PLBN) which does not have PCR equipment is replaced by a rapid test and certificate issued by medical doctor from a hospital/community health center declaring that the holder does not have influenza symptoms..

Another requirement for travel is to have “Peduli Lindungi” (Care and Protect) application installed and activated on mobile phone. This app  can be downloaded through Play Store or App Store. (Ministry of Transportation/ EN)



Translated by: Ridwan Ibadurrohman
Reviewed by: Mia Medyana

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