UAE to Invest in Cirata Floating Solar Power Plant Worth Rp1.8 Trillion

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 14 Januari 2020
Category: News
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President Jokowi and Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed witness the signing of cooperation between Indonesian Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif with his counterpart in Abu Dhabi, UEA, Sunday (2/1). (Photo: BPMI Setpres)

Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have signed a deal on the construction of floating Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Cirata Reservoir, West Java Province, with a total investment of Rp1.8 trillion.

“The new renewable energy company Masdar based in Abu Dhabi will partner with PT Pembangkit Jawa Bali Investment (PJBi) to build a Cirata Floating PLTS of 145 Mega Watt Peak (MWp),” a press release from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources on Monday (13/1) wrote.

Cirata Floating PLTS is projected to break the record as the largest solar powered generator in ASEAN, beating Philippines’ Cadiz Solar Powerplant of 132.5 MW.

In addition to new renewable energy, bilateral meeting between President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo and the UAE Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed at Qasr Al Watan Palace, Abu Dhabi, Sunday (2/1), also produced business agreements for a number of oil and gas projects, such as the development of Balikpapan RU V Refinery Development Master Plan (RDMP) between Pertamina and Mubadala, the crude oil potential in Balongan as well as the supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) between Pertamina and ADNOC.

In the mineral sub-sector, Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) and PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) signed a cooperation to increase the production of alloy ingots and billets. During the trial period, additional production is planned to be around 20 thousand tons, which the normal production capacity currently reaches 250 thousand tons.

Following are the details of business cooperation between the UAE-Indonesia in the energy sector:
1. LPG Supply Contract between Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) and Pertamina with contract value U$S90-270 million;
2. RIPA (Refinery Investment Principle Agreement) between Mubadala Investment Company and Pertamina to continue the negotiation of stock ownership of up to 49% shares of PT Balikpapan Pertamina Refinery (KPB) – RDMP RU V with a total value at U$S1.6 billion;
3. MoU between ADNOC and Pertamina on cooperation in the development Crude to Petrochemical Project with value of U$S10.1 billion;
4. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for Cirata Floating PLTS between PT PJB and Masdar, with an investment value of U$S129 million;
5. Addendum to the MoU between Emirates Global Aluminum (EGA) and PT Indonesia Asahan Aluminum (Inalum) to accommodate the cooperation period for the Melting Furnace Capacity Building Project includes the transfer of technology from 250 ktpa (kilo tonnes per annum) to 300 ktpa, technical exchange in the field of Reduction Technology and Greenfield Aluminum Smelter project in North Kalimantan with a capacity of 500-1,000 ktpa.

(Bureau of Communication, Public Information Services, and Cooperation of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources/ES)

Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Reviewed by: Yuyu Mulyani

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