Use Land Certificate for Productive Means, President Jokowi Says

Photo caption: President Jokowi symbolically hands over land certificates to several local residents of Entikong Subdistrict, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, on Wednesday (21/12)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo in his visit to Entikong, Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan, on Wednesday (21/12), attended the handover of 525 Land Certificates for 2016 Strategic Program to representatives of local residents of Sanggau, Sekadau, Melawi, and Sintang Regencies.
In his remarks, President Jokowi mentioned that there are 6.4 million hectares of non-forestry land in West Kalimantan. However, only 2 million or 32 percent of the total land that have been certified. Around 68 percent have not, the President said.
Therefore, President Jokowi instructed the National Land Agency (BPN) both at regional or regency levels to address this problem immediately. That is the tasks for BPN, namely to identify the problems, the President added.
President Jokowi has given target to Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning to issue at least 5 million certificates in 2017, 7 million in 2018, and 9 million in 2019. Thus, the total certificates handed by the end of 2019 is expected to reach 25 million.
According to President Jokowi, legal rights for the certified land will be clear, so the owner should know precisely the land area and its location.
The President hopes that the certificates can be used as collateral for bank loan, including for Smallholder Business Credit (KUR). However, the President reminded all that the certificates must be used for productive means, and the people must calculate it carefully before use it as collateral. Do not use it as collateral, if you cannot pay the installments. Do not take loan to buy car or motorcycle. Use it only on productive sectors, the President stated.
Prior to the event, President Jokowi witnessed the handover of Extra Nutrition Program for Children (PMT) in Entikong Football Field, Entikong Village, Entikong Subdistrict, Sanggau Regency.
Accompanying President Jokowi during the event were Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Puan Maharani, Minister of Home Affairs Tjahjo Kumolo, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Minister of Health Nila Moeloek, Minister of Agrarian and Spatial Planning/Head of National Land Agency (BPN) Sofyan Djalil, Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Basuki Hadimuljono, and West Kalimantan Governor Cornelis. (UN/BPMI Setpres/ES) (RAS/EP/YM/Naster)