Use Loan for Business Capital: President Jokowi

President Jokowi delivers remarks in a meeting with boards and customers of Micro Waqf Banks at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (28/3). (Photo: Fitri/Public Relations).
President Joko Jokowi Widodo reminded customers of Micro Waqf (Endowment) Bank to use the loan fund entirely for business capital and investment. This request was conveyed by President Jokowi in a meeting with 300 representatives of administrators and customers of Micro Waqf Bank from several regions such as Jombang, Klaten, Yogyakarta and Ciamis, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Wednesday (28/3).
According to President Jokowi, the establishment of Waqf Bank is to develop people’s economy in Islamic boarding school environment. Therefore, the Government will conduct an evaluation, either from the board or customers, to get feedback related to problems faced in the field. So, there will be correction and improvement for the Bank.
On this occasion, President Jokowi also invited customers to give opinions and feedbacks for the betterment of Micro Waqf Bank. “We invite everyone here to give feedback about Micro Waqf Banks shortcomings and problems so we can fix it,” President Jokowi added.
President Jokowi also hoped that all Islamic boarding schools that already have business community can establish this Bank as soon as possible.
The task of Micro Waqf Bank is to serve people who do not have access to conventional banks due to administration. It is expected to benefit the people and society.
Still Small
Chairman of the Board of Commissioners of Financial Services Authority (OJK) Wimboh Santoso said in his report, there are currently 20 Micro Waqf Banks that have been established with approximately 4,000 customers and have joined in 6,800 community business groups around Islamic boarding schools.
According to Wimboh, the total financing has reached IDR 3 billion. Although the amount is still small, it is very beneficial for the community who has been expecting funds from donation or from donors around Islamic boarding schools.
Also attending the event were Chairman of Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) KH. Ma’ruf Amin, Coordinating Minister for the Economy Darmin Nasution, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of State Secretary Pratikno, Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko, and Chairman of Indonesian Agency for Creative Economy (Bekraf) Triawan Munaf. (RAF / FID / ES) (STU/MMB/Naster)