Vice President: Accelerate Achievement of SDGs 2024 through Green Industry, Digital Innovation

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 7 Oktober 2024
Category: News
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Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin opens the 7th SDGs Annual Conference at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, Monday (10/07). (Photo by: Bureau of Press, Media, and Information (BPMI) of the Vice Presidential Secretariat)

Vice President K.H. Ma’ruf Amin emphasized the importance of accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) with a focus on the development of green industry and sustainable digital innovation.

The Vice President delivered the statement at the opening of the 7th SDGs Annual Conference (the 7th SAC) at the Fairmont Hotel Jakarta, Monday (10/07).

“With the achievement of 62.5% of our SDGs target, it means that we still have to strive to achieve the remaining 37.5% of the target. I hope that all parties will continue to increase their commitment and work hard to achieve all SDGs targets by 2030,” he said.

The Vice President emphasized that the development of green industry and digital innovation must be the main priority in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs. Furthermore, these two sectors not only support inclusive economic growth, but also play an important role in achieving environmental and social goals.

“We must ensure that green industry and digital innovation can meet our current needs while addressing the challenges and the aspirations of our future generations,” said the Vice President.

On that occasion, he also encouraged various parties to continue to innovate in finding sources of financing for the SDGs program. The Vice President urged private sectors and philanthropic institutions to contribute more through blended finance.

“In addition to encouraging private sectors to contribute, we should also explore widely the use of various community trust funds in the form of zakat and other forms of voluntary alms (such as infaq, sedekah, and waqf) which are currently starting to develop and to be managed more professionally, transparently, and digitally,” he added.

Moreover, the Vice President reminded that the achievement of SDGs must be mainstreamed in the 2025–2029 national development planning in accordance with the mandate of the 2025–2045 National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN). He expressed his opinion that success in achieving the SDGs target by 2030 will be a strong foundation for Indonesia to realize the vision of Golden Indonesia 2045 and achieve Net Zero Emissions by 2060 or sooner.

“The fulfillment of the SDGs target by 2030 will be a strong foundation for realizing the dream of Golden Indonesia to become a developed country by 2045,” said the Vice President.

Concluding his remarks, the Vice President expressed his appreciation to all parties who have committed to supporting the achievement of SDGs, including ministries, institutions, local governments, private sectors, civil societies, academics, and younger generations.

“SDGs are not just about achieving targets, but about creating a more just and sustainable future. Therefore, let us move forward with a new spirit, with fresh innovation and determination to provide the best and more meaningful changes for all Indonesian people and the world,” he concluded.

Previously, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency Suharso Monoarfa reported on the progress of the implementation of SDGs achievements in Indonesia. He emphasized innovation, quality education, and green jobs as the main focus in driving productivity and inclusive economic growth.

“In the future, the role of younger generations through education and development of competencies and work skills will be a catalyst in driving green economic growth, innovation and sustainable digitalization,” he said.

For information, the 7th SAC 2024 will be held on 7-8 October 2024 with the theme “Innovation towards a Golden Indonesia: The Linkages between Quality Education, Jobs, and Green Industry”. This event is intended to gather stakeholders involved in achieving Indonesia’s SDGs and disseminate SDGs achievements to ensure inclusive and accountable development. The series of events includes various festivals, conferences, and exhibitions, such as the SDGs Festival: Fun Bike & Fun Run, SDGs for Women and Children, and the seminar on Funding Implementation for SDGs.

Also present at this event were Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko; Head of the United Nations Resident Coordinator (UNRC) Indonesia Gita Sabharwal; heads of development partner institutions; governors, regents, and mayors throughout Indonesia; representatives of ministries/agencies; and all recipients of the 2024 Indonesia’s SDGs Action Awards.

Meanwhile, the Vice President was accompanied by Head of the Vice Presidential Secretariat Ahmad Erani Yustika, Deputy for Human Development Policy Support and Development Equity Suprayoga Hadi, and the Vice President’s Special Staffers Masduki Baidlowi, Mohamad Nasir, and Masykuri Abdillah. (BPMI of the Vice Presidential Secretariat/DNS)

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