Visiting East Kalimantan, President Jokowi Will Launch the Strategic Projects

Visiting East Kalimantan, President Jokowi Will Launch the Strategic Projects
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and First Lady Iriana Joko Widodo heading for Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, by using Presidential aircraft Indonesia -1 from Halim Air Force Base, Jakarta, Wednesday (18/11) at 15:45 pm.
In this working visit to East Kalimantan, President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana scheduled to visit PT Pupuk Kaltim Bontang, using a helicopter belonging to Indonesian Air Force. Here, the President will inaugurate 5 PT Fertilizer Plant in East Kalimantan and phosphoric acid revamping of PT Petro Kimia Gresik.
From Bontang, President Jokowi and First Lady Iriana will proceed to Buluminung Industrial Zone to perform Groundbreaking the Strategic Projects on Infrastructure of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan.
After visiting Buluminung Industrial Zone, President Jokowi and his entourage will go directly to Balikpapan and then return to Jakarta. The President and his entourage are expected to arrive at Halim on Thursday (19/11) at around 17:30 pm.
During a visit to East Kalimantan, President Jokowi accompanied by Deputy Chairman of the Regional Advisory Council (DPD) Farouk Muhammad, Minister of Industry Saleh Husin, Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Djalil, and Cabinet Secretary Pramono Agung. (Biro Pers Media Setpres/ES)