Visiting PT Dok and PT PAL Indonesia, President Jokowi Optimistic Able to Develop Maritime Industry

President Jokowi accompanied by Minister of SOEs and Minister of Defense listened to the explanations of President Director of PT PAL Indonesia, Surabaya, Saturday (10/1)
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) on Saturday (10/1) afternoon, visited two strategic State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) in Surabaya, East Java, namely: 1. PT Dock and Shipping and 2. PT PAL Indonesia.
Accompanied by the Minister of SOEs, Rini Soemarno; Minister of Defense, Ryamizard Ryacudu; Cabinet Secretary, Andi Wijayanto; and Governor of East Java, Soekarwo, President Jokowi visited PT Dok and Shipping first, furthermore, visited PT PAL Indonesia which located in the area of Tanjung Perak.
After reviewing into the both of State-Owned Enterprises, President Jokowi, convey a feeling of optimism that will be able to develop the maritime industry.
“If we look at the condition and the total area of the factory, in fact, enough to be used as the initial development of our maritime industry. Not only PT PAL, but also PT Dok and Shipping Surabaya, as well as the others”, Jokowi said to reporters at a press conference at the passenger terminal of Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, Saturday (10/1) evening. However, this company (PT PAL-ed) should focus on the construction project only. While that is not a field or expertise as much as possible reduced.
“It could work, but it should be the focus. If this is to produce ships, the product is the ship, if for submarines, submarine products. At one point will become mature and perfect product. It’s hard if it have to frequently change the products”, Jokowi said.
To get a reliable maritime industry, according to the President Jokowi, before being able to pick up the order, the most important is to improve the management first. After it is finished, then calculated how much capital is less.
PT PAL, Jokowi said, is among the strategic industries in Indonesia. It should not only solve the problems that arise now, but the problems that will come must be considered and taken into account.
The President also assesses and says, the machines that exist in PT PAL are already advanced, but it has been a lot made in the 80s. He asked that should be upgraded as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be left far by the existing shipbuilding companies in other countries.
“So if it is not upgraded every five years, then it will be outdated”, President Jokowi said. (*/ES)