Visits Gempolkerep, Mojokerto, President Jokowi: There Are Messing Around, Almost in All Sectors

President accompanied by First Lady Iriana Jokowi dialogue with the community, in PG Gempolkerep, Mojokerto, East Java, on Thursday (21/5) afternoon
Ending a series of working visit of the President on Wednesday (21/5) afternoon, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), accompanied by the First Lady Iriana visited the Sugar Factory (PG) Gempolkrep in Mojokerto, East Java.
Arrived at Sugar Factory Gempolkrep, President Jokowi greeted by Mojokerto Regent , Mustofa Kamal Pasha and General Director of PT Plantation (PTPN) X, Subiono. Furthermore, the President and First Lady accompanied by Minister of SOEs Rini Soemarno, Ministry of Trade Rahmat Gobel, and East Java Governor Soekarwo headed straight to the stage to give a speech and dialogue with farmers and communities around Sugar Factory Gempolkerep.
In his speech President Jokowi argued, the challenges of our country there are in almost all sectors, in the oil and gas there is a messing around, that is oil and gas mafia.
In the fisheries, the President expressed, there is also a messing that is illegal fishing, so we lose Rp 300 trillion per year. Related with rice is also the messing around by pressing us to provide quota for imports.
“Who gets the profits? Not farmers, the importer who do tapped before,” President Jokowi said as he mentioned, with import price of Rp 4,000 / kg and the domestic market price of Rp 11.000 / kg, then importers will gain Rp 7,000 / kg. If the amount of 3 million kg, it means that the profits of Rp 21 trillion.
The challenges in the sugar, the President mentions, just the same as in rice, there is a messing around with various pretexts, such as for food and beverage industry.
“That is our challenge, but it is unlikely that all challenges can we finish in the same time. We are losing hundreds of trillions in oil and gas, Total Rp 300 trillion, it could be dangerous if not managed properly,” Jokowi said.
The President reminded, so do not be hasty. Regarding sugar, President Jokowi estimates can only be completed in 2018.
President Jokowi also mentioned the implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community in early 2016. “. I cannot imagine what will become, the competition among countries” he said.
Therefore, President Jokowi invite all parties to work hard. “Let us pursue immediate, who need good seed, let swatch good seed. Who need a good engine, let swatch good machine,” he said.
Sugar Factory of Gempolkrep was founded in 1912 and is a business unit of PT. PTPN X. The factory last operation in November 2014, the previous record produced of 468 003 tons of sugar.
According to the report from the Director General of PTPN X Subiyono, Gempolkrep Sugar Factory will be ready to operate again in May 2015 with a target of 507 714 tonnes increased by 8.48 percent. (Humas Setkab/ES)