VP Ma’ruf Amin Announces Thematic Bureaucratic Reforms

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin announces thematic bureaucratic reforms at the Vice President’s Palace, Jakarta, Monday (12/05). (Photo by: BPMI of Vice Presidential Secretariat)
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin Monday (12/05) announced thematic bureaucratic reforms and inaugurated 26 public service malls (MPP).
In his remarks, Ma’ruf Amin said that bureaucratic reforms are not a matter of a routine or workload, but a necessity to drive and accelerate the realization of national development goals.
Therefore, a more responsive bureaucratic reforms system is needed, he added.
“The reforms must be focused on organizational management and transformation to make institutions more responsive, agile, and adaptive in providing public services,” he said at the Vice Presidential Palace, Jakarta.
Ma’ruf went on to say that the transformations should be coupled with implementation of new work mechanisms since global challenges and rapid advancement of digital platform require the people to create a capable, collaborative, agile, and flexible bureaucracy.
Old ways of working in the bureaucracy which are hierarchical, linear, and monotone must be changed so we are able to catch up with global competition, he added.
On the occasion titled “Improvement of Public Services and Bureaucratic Reforms’ Quality toward World-class Bureaucracy”, the Vice President mentioned that Indonesia is on the third phase of National Bureaucratic Reforms Roadmap 2021-2024.
To create a World-class bureaucracy, he added, the Government must be consistent in implementing the reforms and overcome some challenges. For instance, Indonesia must improve the rank in global competitiveness which dropped from 44 to 37 in 2022.
In the meantime, Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reforms (PANRB) Abdullah Azwar Anas said that the Ministry is carrying out order from the President to bring concrete effect of bureaucratic reforms programs to the public through public services mall.
For that reason, the Ministry adopted thematic bureaucratic reform measures that are expected to solve strategic issues in Indonesia.
The measures focus on four scopes of work: poverty alleviation, investment promotion, digitalization of administration affairs, and the President’s priority.
For the record, the newly-inaugurated MPP are located in 26 regencies/municipalities. They are:
- West Tanjung Jabung regency
2. Kutai Kertanegara regency
3. Banjar regency
4. Bulungan regency
5. Sumenep regency
6. Lumajang regency
7. Nganjuk regency
8. Cilacap regency
9. Brebes regency
10. Rembang regency
11. Grobogan regency
12. Boyolali regency
13. Klaten regency
14. Gunung Kidul regency
15. Kudus regency
16. Semarang city
17. Metro city
18. Manado city
19. Kendari city
20. Tarakan city
21. Balikpapan city
22. Bontang city
23. Malang city
24. Batu city
25. Serang city
26. Cilegon city
(BPMI of Vice Presidential Secretariat/UN) (RAS/EP)