VP Ma’ruf Amin Gives Paramakarya Award to Productive Companies during Pandemic

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin gives the 2021 Paramakarya Award to Companies at Puri Agung Convention Hall, Sahid Hotel in Central Jakarta (18/11/2021) (Photo by: Vice President Secretariat)
In a bid to overcome challenges and stay productive, COVID-19 pandemic has forced all companies to carry out various adjustments. To that end, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin Thursday (18/11/2021) expressed his gratitude to companies that keep maintaining productivity amid COVID-19 pandemic and awarded the 2021 Paramakarya Award.
“Achievements that all of you have reached should be appreciated given that national, global competitions are getting fierce,” Vice President Ma’ruf Amin said when conferring the 2021 Paramakarya Award at Puri Agung Convention Hall, Sahid Hotel, Central Jakarta.
Agility and adaptability to changes, the Vice President continued, are key factors to determine the company’s success in maintaining or improving productivity amid COVID-10 pandemic. In addition to those factors, it is also important to manage time, human resources, and technology amid various obstacles.
“On the other side, COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that collaboration and cooperation are required to reach the goal including in the field of productivity improvement,” the Vice President added.
On that occasion, the Vice President went on to say that mobile working does not hamper the company’s steps to remain creative and continue to collaborate.
“I hope that companies that have been awarded can be improved, upgraded to the next level as well as become pilot for other companies to keep working amid various challenges,” he remarked.
Earlier, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah said that the Paramakarya Award is proof of the Government’s commitment to supporting sustainable productivity improvement ecosystem.
“Productivity is one of the levers to boost competitiveness and a driving force of the development to improve community welfare,” Ida added.
According to the Minister, productivity goals in Indonesia have improved in the past decade. However, COVID-19 pandemic has brought pressures to the efforts of productivity improvement.
Based on the report from Statistics Indonesia (BPS), Ida continued, the productivity ratio of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has dropped from Rp85.05 million in 2019 to Rp83. 47 million in 2020.
To that end, the Minister expressed hope that the productivity ratio in 2021 will rebuild as health, economic sectors recovered.
“Considering the very complex structural problems of manpower, in our point of view, the efforts to increase labor productivity are not only sufficient to increase the competence of the workforce, but also should be supported by other pillars of manpower development, such as expansion of job opportunities, placement of workers, climate creation. Harmonious and productive industrial relations, labor inspection reform, and increased participation in labor social security,” she said.
For the record, Paramakarya award is an award from the Government for the business world and industrial world which are able to increase their productivity for three consecutive years. This year, as many as 34 companies succeeded in obtaining the Paramakarya Award in the category of medium and small companies.
There are 12 medium-sized company recipients of the 2021 Paramakarya award, namely PT Satria Jaya Sentosa (Southeast Sulawesi), PT Trinity Auto (East Kalimantan), PT Pahala Harapan Lestari (Bangka Belitung Islands), PT Muda Medika Mandiri (West Sumatra), PT Samudra Pastry Indonesia (Riau), CV Amor Group (West Java), PT Sera Food Indonesia (DI Yogyakarta), PT Agung Bumi Agro (East Java), PT ABUBA (DKI Jakarta), PT Prasetya Agung Cahaya Utama (Bali), PT Berkat Abadi Korindo (North Sulawesi), and PT Insight Medica Fame (West Kalimantan).
Meanwhile, the 22 small-sized company recipients are PT Cau Chocolate Internasional (Bali), CV Mirrando (Bangka Belitung Islands), CV Cik Mia Songket (Jambi), CV Makrifah Herbal (East Kalimantan), CV Greensmoothie Factory (Riau), IKM Adelia ( Bengkulu), Katokkon Kristar (South Sulawesi), CV Ilhamumtaza (Jambi), Wong Kito Gallery (South Sumatra), CV Tri Utami Jaya (West Nusa Tenggara) and PT Magfood Innovation Food (DKI Jakarta), PT Pesona Mahameru (West Java) , CV Ratu Luwak (Lampung), PT Blasta Intikarya Global (West Sumatra), Batik Banyu Sabrang (DI Yogyakarta), CV Abon Cap Koki (Central Java), CV Dua Prima Lestari (Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam), CV Nasrafa (Central Java) , the OTTA Salon (Maluku) Course and Training Institute, CV UKM Sanggar Petra Cilik (East Nusa Tenggara), CV Warline Katahati Papua (Papua), and CV M4 Brothers (Central Kalimantan).
In addition, the award was also given to 23 Governors for their support and guidance to companies in their regions that succeeded in obtaining Paramakarya award, namely Governors of Aceh, West Sumatra, Bangka Belitung Islands, Riau, Bengkulu, Jambi, South Sumatra, Lampung, DKI Jakarta, West Java, DI Yogyakarta, Central Java, East Java, Bali, West Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara, Central Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Maluku and Papua. (BPMI of Vice President Secretariat/UN) (AP/MUR)