VP Ma’ruf Amin Pushes for Santri’s Involvement in Sharia Economy

VP Ma’ruf Amin delivers introductory remarks at the commemoration of the 2021 National Santri Day and the launching of the Sharia Economic Community (MES)’s new logo, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (22/10). (Photo by: Presidential Secretariat/ Rusman)
As the country with the largest Muslim population in the world, Indonesia eyes to become the key player in sharia (Islamic) economy and finance.
Vice President Ma’ruf Amin has said that the Indonesian Government will involve santri (Islamic boarding school students) as part of the Sharia Economic Community (MES) in a bid to strengthen economic development and sharia-compliance finance.
He went on to say that santri and Islamic boarding schools have been making great contributions to the development of the country during the fights for Indonesian independence and against the current COVID-19 pandemic.
“Their spirit and virtue may become a fundamental aspect to support economic development and sharia-compliance finance in Indonesia,” the Vice President said during his introductory remarks at the commemoration of the 2021 National Santri Day and the launching of the Sharia Economic Community (MES)’s new logo, at the State Palace, Jakarta, Friday (22/10).
Santri, he said, also became a role model for the community to always adhere to the health protocols and promote vaccination in their efforts to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic.
In addition, the issuance of Law Number 18 of 2019 has granted Islamic boarding schools strategic positions as educational and dakwah (Islamic preaching) institutions as well as the center for community empowerment through Micro Waqf Bank, Baitul Mal wat Tamwil (Islamic microfinance institutions), and the like.
The Vice President added that people-based economy at Islamic boarding schools and community are expected to accelerate national economic recovery and support Micro, Small, and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs).
“It is our hope to optimize Indonesia’s economic potential and sharia finance for the sake of people’s welfare. Indonesia could become the key player in global sharia economic and finance,” he remarked. (FID/UN) (RAS/MMB)