War on Drugs Should be Done Seriously

Cabinet Secretary responds to reporters questions at his working office, on Friday (26/2)
The war on drugs should not be half-hearted, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung said to reporters at his office on Friday (26/2) afternoon.
Pramono also said that the Government has a certain period of time to ensure people and the drug convicts as well as drug mafia thus they understand that the Government is serious to address this matter.
Chief of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI), and other ministries/institutions will take the measures. The special task force will be assigned at BNN Chief, Polri Chief, TNI Commander, and Minister of Law and Human Rights levels, Pramono said.
Therefore, according to Pramono, they can start the operation at the detention center (Lapas) whenever they want, without any procedures that would leak the plan and it has been agreed in a limited meeting yesterday.
The special task force among the ministries which will be assigned for the rehabilitation is at the Ministry of Social Affairs, while special task force for the education is related to the Ministry of Education and they are under Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultures coordination, Pramono explained.
Meanwhile, Pramono also said that the Government has overseen, reviewed, and stipulated matters related to Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and terrorism as the concern of Government at the Polri, National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT), and Ministry of Law and Human Rights.
Indonesia has became the global model as the largest muslim population country, and third largest democratic country in the world. Therefore, Indonesia can also address the Thamrin attack in a short time and that make us a role model, Pramono said.
On the last ASEAN-US Summit, Pramono added, President Joko Widodo has been provided with many opportunities to deliver this matter.
The President will be invited to several countries in April and May to deliver the same points, Pramono added.
Regarding videos posted by ISIS, Pramono said that it will be followed-up by the Government.
Asked whether the ratification of the Law on Terrorism and De-radicalism will be conducted or not, Pramono asserted that the Government still runs after terrorist networks in Indonesia.
It is reflected when we can analyze the terrorists in the Thamrin terror attack into the detention center, Pramono added.
Regarding the previous law on Terrorism, Pramono said that the Government can not impose any sanction.
The BNPT can only nurture them, but they can not impose any sanctions to the convict, for example when a person conducts war drills by using wood material. We can not do anything, Pramono said. (DID/ES)(RAS/EP/YM/Naster)