We Must Dare to Combat Hoaxes, Says President Jokowi

President Jokowi attends cordial meeting with Islamic clerics in Magelang, Central Java, Saturday (23/3). (Photo: Rahmat/PR)
President Joko Jokowi Widodo has called on the nation to fight against hoaxes.
We must dare to fight it as well as to clarify fake news, the President said during a gathering with Islamic clerics and public figures at Tri Bhakti Building, Magelang City, Central Java province, Saturday (23/3).
On that occasion, the President also clarified several defamatory allegations against him after he remained silent since taking office in October 2014.
I need to clear the allegations because according to survey as many as 9 million people believe them, he added.
For the record, the President has been accused of becoming a foreign stooge, a member of the now-defunct Indonesian Communist Party (PKI), being anti-ulemas (Islamic religious leaders); and that his current administration is criminalizing ulemas.
Regarding the accusation of becoming a member of the PKI, the President clarified that the PKI was banned in 1965-1966, while he was born in 1961, meaning he was four back then. Is it possible for a toddler to join the party? he said.
Regarding the accusation of being foreign stooge, President Jokowi answered that the Mahakam block was previously operated by Frances Total E&P Indonesie and Japans Inpex Corporation and now it has been taken over fully by the Government under his administration and was handed over to state-owned oil and gas company Pertamina.
In addition, the Rokan block which has been managed by American multinational energy corporation, Chevron, for 90 years is now 100 percent operated by Pertamina. Furthermore, the state-owned mining holding company PT Inalum is now holding 51.2 percent stake in PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI), a subsidiary of US mining giant Freeport McMoRan Copper and Gold in December 2018.
The President also reminded people that taking over the management of Indonesian natural resources which have been managed by foreign companies for years is not easy, adding that political intrigue of national and international interests are involved in the process to take over Freeport.
If the task was easy, it would not take four years to negotiate. It can be done in a month or two, President said, adding that the it took four years for the Government for the negotiation because oil refinery operated by Chevron is the largest oil field in Indonesia, while Freeport is one of the worlds largest copper and gold mines.
On that occasion, President Jokowi also clarified issues telling that his administration will ban adzan (the Muslim call to ritual prayer), legalize same-sex marriage, misuse Hajj fund for infrastructures funding, as well as criminalize the ulemas.
The President also asked the Islamic clerics and public figures present at the gathering to immediately respond to and clarify any hoaxes.
Translated by: Estu Widyamurti
Edited by: M. Ersan Pamungkas