We Must Propel Sharia Economy Growth Through Research, Technological Innovation: VP

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 3 Juni 2021
Category: News
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Vice President Ma’ruf Amin receives an honorary visit of Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko and his ranks, via video conference, Thursday (3/6). (Photo by: Press Bureau of the Vice Presidential Secretariat)

The role of research and innovation must be encouraged for the development of Indonesia’s sharia economy, according to Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.

“The Government will continue to support industry and research and development sectors to synergize and collaborate, particularly on economic issues and sharia finance,” VP said during a meeting with Head of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Laksana Tri Handoko and his ranks via video conference, Thursday (3/6).

Based on Presidential Regulation Number 28 of 2020 on the National Committee for Sharia Economy and Finance, the Indonesian Government is currently focusing on the development of halal industry, financial industry, social funds, and sharia-based businesses.

Therefore, research and technological innovation in the four focuses are essential to move the national sharia economy forward.

On that occasion, the Vice President also pointed out that the coordination between the BRIN and relevant ministries / institutions should be further encouraged to generate added values through efficient research results.

“The research results from the BRIN must be synergized with other relevant parties for quality development and efficient results,” he remarked.

On the development of sharia economy, the Vice President underscored that halal industry players need appropriate technology for their product development.

“We need appropriate technology, such as packaging system for long-term storage as well as packaging products that will increase efficiency and lower industrial costs. Not to mention food technology that is important since we have a huge potential for it,” he said.

Ma’ruf Amin also expressed appreciation to the BRIN’s steps in conducting research to support the Government in building a sharia economic ecosystem that involves entrepreneurs, banks, and halal industrial areas.

“I’d like to applaud the measures taken by the BRIN regarding halal research. This will enhance the network creation of national sharia economic ecosystem,” he said.

The Vice President also underscored raw materials used in halal industry sourced from foreign suppliers. According to him, the research conducted by the BRIN is expected to encourage Indonesia’s industries to become more independent.

“It is important to involve the BRIN in developing halal industry to speed up the industry’s independence and boost the capacity of Indonesia’s halal industry. In addition to the halal aspect, it will make the raw materials and the technology more efficient,” he added.

In the meantime, Head of the BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko stated that his agency was ready to help develop national sharia economy, particularly for halal research needs.

“Essentially, we are ready to help and support sharia economy and its financial programs, especially halal food products,” Handoko said.

Echoing a similar sentiment, Head of the Research and Technology Center for Natural Materials of the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) Satriyo Krido Wahono emphasized that his agency has been focused on conducting halal research in the food sector and will further continue to explore the research.

“We are currently focusing on the three things regarding the development of halal products, namely halal detection tool, substitution research for halal-perplexed food products, and development of sea-based food products,” Satriyo said. (Press Bureau of the Vice Presidential Secretariat/UN) (RIF/EP)

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