Welcome Speech of President Joko Widodo on the Release of Independence Day Carnival of Lake Toba Charm, 21August 2016, at Soposurung, Balige, Toba Samosir
Unofficial Translation in English
Horas! (Bataknese greeting)
This Lake Toba Charm Carnival must be held every year, displaying the diversity of our cultures. They include Batak Mandailing, Karo, Toba, Simalunggun, Pakpak. However, these differences will unite us as one.
It is my great pleasure that this afternoon all people are wearing ulos (traditional cloth of the Batak people of North Sumatra), sortali (headbands for brides), and tum-tuman (a unique traditional cloth woven by Tarutung people of North Sumatra). If we maintain this, we are envisaging the characters of our nation and each region as well as the identities of each tribe for all existing regions. That, in fact, is what keeps us united as Indonesians.
Without any further ado, I would like to invite you to please count down with your local language while the drums are hit. (Humas Setkab) (HD/EP/AW/YM)