World Environment Day, Students and Bride Couples Would Asked to Plant 5 Trees

Minister of Environment and Forestry (LHK) together ministers and other officials after the signing of the cooperation, in the office of the Ministry of LHK, Jakarta, Tuesday (16/6)
Students and every bridal couple will be required to plant five (5) trees as part of the “Planting Trees Movement”, as well as part of an effort to cultivate love the environment culture.
The provisions to planting five (5) trees for the students and bridal couple was a follow up of the cooperation of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (LHK) with a number of Ministries and Governmental agencies (K / L), among others, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Ministry of Research Technology and Higher Education, and the Ministry of Religious Affairs, which was held at the Ministry of LHK, Jakarta, Tuesday (16/6).
The signing of the cooperation which is a series of World Environment Day activities, carried out by Minister of LHK, Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Research and Technology and Higher Education M. Nasir, and the Minister of Education Anies Baswedan, Representative of the Minister of Religious Affairs, Head LAPAN, Head of BIG, Rector of the State University throughout Indonesia, Echelon I and II in Ministry of LHK, Echelon I Kemendikbud, Kemenristek and Higher Education, MORA, BIG, and LAPAN, SOE Forestry Directors, Directors of BRI, President Director of PT Antam (Persero Tbk), as well as the President Director of PT Astra International Tbk.
Related signatory to the Memorandum of Understanding with Anies Baswedan Education Minister and Minister of Research and Higher Education M. Nasir intended to encourage and develop the culture of love the environment for students, teachers and education personnel by planting five trees each student.
Meanwhile, in cooperation with the Ministry of Religious Affairs, in this case the Directorate General of Islamic Mass Guidance, then to every bridal couple will be required to plant five trees.
Meanwhile, PT Astra International will build the urban forest throughout Indonesia, and PT Antam (Persero Tbk) who will perform rehabilitation on one priority, namely Kapuas watershed with an area of 5,000 Ha.
Environment and Forestry Minister of Siti Nurbaya in her speech said, planting a tree to be one concrete action in an effort to conserve forests and the environment.
Minister of LHK also invites teachers, lecturers and rectors throughout Indonesia to continue to develop the practice of love the environment from an early age through the “Tree Planting Movement”.
According to the Minister of LHK, “Planting Trees Movement” is a worship, we planted trees in addition to having economic value, also will give great beneficiaries for the ecosystem, such as oxygen, water, temperature, etc. whose value is much greater.
“The economic value and benefits to the ecosystem, in turn can increase the resilience of nations and the welfare of the community,” said Siti Nurbaya. (Humas Kementerian LHK/ES)