Young Generation Must Unite to Develop Indonesia, President Jokowi Says

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Oktober 2018
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President Jokowi commences Santri Fun Walk, in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Sunday (28/8). (Photo by: Jay/ PR Division)

President Jokowi commences Santri Fun Walk, in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Sunday (28/8). (Photo by: Jay/ PR Division)

During his visit to Sidoarjo, East Java on Sunday (28/10), coinciding with the commemoration of the Youth Pledge (Sumpah Pemuda), President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo reminded young generation to manifest the pledges; acknowledge one motherland, Indonesia, acknowledge one nation, the nation of Indonesia, and respect the language of unity, Indonesian.

The statement made by President Jokowi after commencing Santri (islamic boarding school students), Friends of the People, Fun Walk, at Sidoarjo Regency Square, in Sidoarjo, West Java, on Sunday (28/10).

Considering the current development of the youth, President Jokowi is optimistic that Indonesia can compete and win the competition in the future under one condition: human resources development gets high priority and to be carried out optimally.

“Thus, demographic bonus that is expected to occur in 2020-2030 will bring a significant impact to every action the youth take in developing and improving this state,” the President firmly said.

For the record, the Fun Walk which is held in a series of the commemoration of the 2018 National Santri Day is participated by 5,000 santri from several cities in East Java.

Also joining the event were First Lady Ibu Iriana Joko Widodo, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Chairman KH. Prof. Dr. Ma’ruf Amin, Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung, Manpower Minister Hanif Dhakiri, Agriculture Minister Amran Sulaiman, and East Java Governor Soekarwo. (UN/JAY/ES)

Translated by : Rany Anjany Subachrum
Edited by : Mia Medyana Bonaedy

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