Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2024 National Christmas Celebration, Indonesia Arena, Senayan, Jakarta, Saturday, December 28, 2024  

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 28 Desember 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Good evening,

May peace be upon us all,



Om swastiastu,

Namo buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue.


Distinguished Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia Gibran Rakabuming Raka,

Speaker of the People’s Consultative Assembly of the Republic of Indonesia Ahmad Muzani,

Speaker of the House of Regional Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia Sultan Baktiar Najamudin,

Chairperson of the 2024 National Christmas Celebration Committee Thomas Djiwandono,

Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Prof. Dr. K.H. Nasaruddin Umar,

President of the Bishops’ Conference of Indonesia Mgr. Antonius Subianto Bunjamin,

Chairperson of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia Rev. Jacky Manuputty,

Coordinating Ministers, Ministers, and Vice Ministers of the Red-and-White Cabinet in attendance,

Attorney General, Chief of the Indonesian National Police (Polri), Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces, and Chiefs of Staff of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force in attendance,

Religious figures, Vice Secretary-General of the Indonesian Hindu Dharma Women’s Association Ni Ketut Rani,

Chairperson of the Indonesian Buddhist Association Prof. Dr. Philip Wijaya,

Chairperson of the High Council of Confucianism in Indonesia Budi Tanuwibowo,

Vice Chairperson of the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Dr. K.H. Marsudi Syuhud,

Representative of the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Saifullah Yusuf,

Representative of Muhammadiyah Central Board Prof. Dr. Fauzan,

Distinguished Bishops, Reverends, Sisters, and Church Administrators, and Ladies and Gentlemen,

Those of you who are watching through video conference in the provinces of North Sulawesi, East Nusa Tenggara, Highland Papua, Southwest Papua, Central Papua, West Papua, and South Papua,

And Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, my fellow citizens, Christians celebrating this 2024 Christmas Day.



First of all, as people of faith, praise be to God Almighty, the Greatest, who owns all creation.


For all His blessings and the health He has endowed to us, we are able to gather here tonight on this auspicious occasion to celebrate the 2024 National Christmas Celebration.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the privilege of being here and wish a Merry Christmas to all Christians across Indonesia.


Once again, have a Merry Christmas and thank you to everyone who has worked hard so that this Christmas celebration can be carried out well in a safe, orderly, harmonious, and amicable manner.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


We celebrate Christmas as a part of our lives, a part of our identity, for Indonesia is a diverse nation, a nation with many differences, a diverse nation with one soul, one will, and one desire, namely the desire to live in harmony, to live as one big family, to achieve common ideals and goals: seeking a good life in this world and working hard to face the world to come.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


I would like to extend my greetings to our brothers and sisters from North Sulawesi province, East Nusa Tenggara province, and Papua island who are joining this event via video conference.


Ladies and gentlemen, Merry Christmas! Once again, Merry Christmas from me and your brothers and sisters in Jakarta.


For us, the tradition of celebrating Christmas has always been about coming home and gathering with family, with the people we love. I understand this well because many members of my family are Christians. I was also born to a Christian mother. Thus, perhaps it can be said that I am proof of a Pancasila family. When my parents argue, it is never about religion. Although they sometimes argue, they succeed—their son has become President of the Republic of Indonesia.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


One of our great strengths of the Indonesian nation, one of our remarkable qualities, is that we can unite, living in harmony, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Unity in Diversity). This is the marvel of the Indonesian nation. In this room and everywhere else this event is broadcast, there are surely many differences. There are differences in religion, ethnicity, customs, and regions, yet, today, we all feel peace, security, harmony, and togetherness.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


This Christmas is celebrated in a world that is seeing disputes, tensions, and conflicts. I invite you all to be grateful. Let us be grateful for we live in a state of peace, are still in safety, and are still in a good situation.


As we celebrate Christmas, as you celebrate this Christmas, we surely remember that there are still our brothers and sisters who are still living in difficulties. And I believe that amidst our joy, amidst our celebration of something good, we always remember our brothers and sisters who are still in hardship.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


I truly feel the hopes of all the people of Indonesia. Therefore, together with my assistants, ministers, coordinating ministers, and all the officers within the current Government of the Republic of Indonesia, we are truly determined to work hard to serve the Indonesian people. We never feel that there is a day off for us because we believe that the Indonesian people deserve leaders who work hard, think diligently, and strive to do their best.


I am determined to lead a reputable government, a government that will put the interests of the Indonesian people above everything. We do not have the slightest intention of bringing difficulties in the lives of the Indonesian people. I am truly committed to the oath I recited on October 20 before the People’s Consultative Assembly before all of the people of Indonesia, and most importantly, before God Almighty, to uphold the Constitution and to implement all laws and regulations of the Republic of Indonesia to the best of my ability.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


We may have taken office for only two months and eight days. Two months and eight days or nine days? Eight days? Only two months and eight days. Please give us a little more time. Please be patient and give us a chance to work earnestly. However, I am highly optimistic. I have seen the true figures of everything. The blessings the Almighty has given us are truly extraordinary.


Nevertheless, as Mgr. Subianto has stated—we share the same name, Sir, Subianto is the name for good people—he said that there are still dark sides. Because in life, I suppose all religions teach the same thing. In life, there are people who walk on the good path, on the right path, aren’t there? And there are people who choose the wrong path, the dark path, isn’t that right?


This is our fight. This is our challenge. This is human. We must be courageous to face those who choose to walk on the wrong path, the path to deceive people, the corrupt path, the embezzlement path, the manipulation path, and the tax evasion path. The Almighty has given us all kinds of paths, has given us everything, facilities, and kindness, but some are still greedy. Well, this is our common challenge and we will face it all. I am very optimistic.


However, we must also be realistic. President of the Republic of Indonesia does not have a staff like the staff of Moses, no. I do not have the staff of Solomon either. However, we must believe that if we have good faith and we intend to do good, we will succeed as we God is with us.


To be frank, I am proud of the team who assists me. At first, they were worried about working for Prabowo Subianto. They said I was harsh. Well, if something is not right, then yes, I am harsh. If someone tries to steal from the people, then yes, I am harsh. But we have done quite well for how long, was it? For two months and eight days, we have fared well. There are issues stirred up here and there, but that is fine. We are used to it, aren’t we? The people understand who is right and who makes things up. They do, don’t they?


The speech was well-written. Should I read it or not? What do you think, Monsignor? Should I read it or not? The speech is actually excellent, but I prefer to talk from the heart, Ladies and Gentlemen.


Ladies and Gentlemen,


On this occasion, let me ask you all Indonesian people to be patient for a while. I understand how difficult it is to be patient. I also pray to God, “Oh God, give me the strength to deliver results to the people as soon as possible.” However, I refuse to lie to the people. It is just like planting crops, if we plant crops, we must do it well; prepare the land, find the irrigation, find good seeds, plant them properly, nurture them, water them, take care of them. Insha Allah, the harvest will be good, Ladies and Gentlemen.


And we will face, as I have said many times, as I have reiterated multiple times, we will face challenges. Corruptors and thieves do not want to see the Government of Indonesia improving itself, fixing itself. And we will be opposed, we will be confronted with made-up issues, won’t we? As this is a Christmas event and many religious figures are here, I must speak politely. Not to mention the journalists are here.


My point is to believe that the Almighty has given us incredible blessings. Therefore, as an Indonesian, I, who have taken an oath before the Almighty, am determined with all the strength in my body and soul to protect all the wealth that Indonesia has.


To everyone who wants to side with the people, who wants to uphold the truth, who wants to eradicate manipulation and corruption, let us all unite. The people demand a clean government. Let me reiterate: the people demand a clean government. I was voted by the people. On behalf of the people of Indonesia, I order all officers of the Government of Indonesia to clean yourselves.


Someone said, “Prabowo wants to forgive corruptors.” That is not what I said. If the corruptors have repented, what should be done, religious figures? They may repent, but they must still return what they stole. How convenient, they steal and only have to say, “I repent.” You must return what you stole. I am not forgiving to corruptors, no. I want to wake them up. Those who have committed sins should repent. That is religious teaching, isn’t it? Repent. Feel bad for the people. Return the money before we start looking for it. Wherever your wealth is, we will find it.


That concludes my remarks.


The committee actually made a mistake for inviting me. They already made a good speech.


Merry Christmas to all of us and to all of you. Thank you, Chief of the Indonesian National Police. Thank you, Commander of the Indonesian National Defense Forces. You have worked hard. The people enjoy the holidays, but the police and military do not take days off to protect all of you. Thank you.


Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

Om shanti, shanti, shanti om,

Namo buddhaya,

Greetings of virtue,

Rahayu, rahayu.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May Almighty God bless us and bestow peace upon us in the year to come.


I thank you.



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