Advanced Indonesia Team is on Duty for Independence Day Flag-Lowering Ceremony at IKN

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 17 Agustus 2024
Category: News
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The Flag-Hoisting Troop ready to carry out their duties in the flag-lowering ceremony, Saturday (08/17). (Source: PR of BPMI Setpres)

The National Flag-Hoisting Troop (Paskibraka) is ready to carry out their duties in the flag-lowering ceremony, on Saturday afternoon (08/17) at the ground of the State Palace in the Nusantara Capital (IKN). On this occasion, the “Advanced Indonesia” team will be in charge after the “New Nusantara” team successfully completed their state duties in the morning.

Ni Komang Tri Setia, representing Bali province, has been selected as the flag bearer after of the national flag has been lowered. She is currently a student at State Senior High School SMAN 1 Samarapura.

Serving as the backup tray bearer is Kirana Asha Widya Baskara, a representative from Banten province. She is currently a student at Labschool Cirendeu Senior High School.

Three other members of the “Advanced Indonesia ” team tasked with lowering the flag are Joe Bayden Imanuel Kallem as the Commander of Group 8, representing Central Papua province. He is currently a student at Anak Panah Christian High School.

Meanwhile, Abdul Zaky Hutera, representing the special capital region of Jakarta, is responsible for unfolding the flag. He is currently a student at State Senior High School SMAN 67 Jakarta.

The flag hoister is Sunnu Wahyudi, representing East Kalimantan province. He is currently a student at State Senior Vocational School SMKN 2 Sangatta Utara.

For the record, Colonel Taufik Nur Cahyanto is appointed as the Commander of the Ceremony while AKP Ahmad Fahruroji Mulian is appointed as the Company Commander of the flag-hoisting troop. (BPMI Setpres/DNS) (AS/RS/MMB)

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