Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Indonesia-Ghana Bilateral Meeting in Mulia Nusa Dua Hotel, Badung Regency, Bali Province, September 2, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 2 September 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Your Excellency,

Welcome to Indonesia, and thank you for your excellencies presence.

The bilateral relationship between Indonesia and Ghana has entered its 65th year. And we need to continue to strengthen it, especially in three sectors of cooperation, namely first, health cooperation. I welcome the cooperation between Biofarma and Atlantic Lab Science Ghana. I hope this cooperation can encourage local manufacturing of vaccine products in Ghana and support vaccination programs in other West African country.

Furthermore, I seek your excellency’s support, regarding the MoU on food and drug control between supervisory regulators in our two countries, to strengthen the energy of our pharmacy sector.

Second, on energy cooperation, Indonesia-Ghana should explore oil and gas cooperation on establishment of oil refineries in Ghana, that involves Indonesia SOEs [State Owned Enterprises] to encourage increase of added value and to meet energy needs in Ghana.

Third, on development cooperation Indonesia is open to work together with Ghana in programs that suit Ghana needs through the Indonesian Aid mechanism, such as through technical support, grant scholarship and vocational training.

Next, I invite your excellency to share your views.

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