Cabinet Secretariat Holds Dissemination on Functional Position of Translators, Interpreters

Cabinet Secretariat’s Center for Government Translators and Interpreters Development holds the Dissemination on Functional Position of Translators and Interpreters, Wednesday (11/06). (Photo by: PR/Rahmat)
In a bid to broaden insight and in-depth understanding of Translators and Interpreters of the Government of Indonesia, Cabinet Secretariat’s Center for Government Translators and Interpreters Development Wednesday (11/06) held the Dissemination on Functional Position of Translators and Interpreters.
“Cabinet Secretariat, together with translation experts and academics, have prepared the competency standards for the Government translators and interpreters. Consequently, the competency standards for the Government translators and interpreters have been set based on Decree of Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Number SKJ.3 of 2024,” Head of the Center for Government Translators and Interpreters Development Sri Wahyu Utami said.
Sri continued that the competency standards cover three main aspects: technical, managerial, and socio-cultural. She also underscored the importance of updating the regulations related to Government translators and interpreters based on Regulation of Cabinet Secretary Number 10 of 2024.
“The regulation also covers more complete and comprehensive substance, including the scope of translator and interpreter duties, performance assessments, service-level agreement, and job competency tests,” Sri added.
According to Sri, the Center also continues to develop a web-based information system and the E-JFP app to facilitate access for government translators and interpreters to obtain the latest information and efficient coaching services.
“I invite all participants to attend the event with full enthusiasm and passion. I hope the event can produce fruitful results and bring a positive impact on all of us,” Sri concluded. (TGH/DNS) (GWH/MUR)