Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Madukoro Flyover, Semarang City, Central Java Province, December 11, 2024

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 11 Desember 2024
Category: Remarks @en
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Alhamdulillah, on this auspicious day, we gather here to inaugurate one of important infrastructures, namely Madukoro flyover in Semarang city. We understand that infrastructure is important to create connectivity and ease traffic flow, and followingly generate economic development.

Ladies and gentlemen,

I think I would like to thank all elements that have worked hard. We should be aware that this infrastructure is developed with the people’s money. I remind you once again that every Rupiah spent from the people’s money should be used for a large benefit of the people.

For [Ministry] of Public Works and the company that has carried out the construction work, thank you for the good planning and implementation. Make sure that all the construction meets the specification, make sure that efficiency and quality can be maintained. Give the best, so our people can reap the benefit of our country’s and nation’s potentials to the large extent.

I think that concludes my remarks. Thank you. Congratulations, hopefully this infrastructure, this facility, can create benefit and be useful not only for the people in Semarang city, but also the people of the Central Java province.

Once again, thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,

May prosperity be upon us all,


Om Swastiastu,

Om Santi Santi Santi Om,

Namo Buddhaya.

Thank you.

*Transcript of the remarks is based on the video released by Bureau of Press, Media, and Information of Presidential Secretariat (AW/LW)

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