Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Revitalization of the 020 State Primary School, North Penajam Paser, East Kalimantan Province, November 1, 2023

By Office of Assistant to Deputy Cabinet Secretary for State Documents & Translation     Date 1 November 2023
Category: Remarks @en
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Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,
Good evening,
May prosperity be upon us all.

Distinguished ministers, Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority, Governor of East Kalimantan Province, and Regent of Penajam Paser Utara,

Distinguished Director of Astra, Ibu Gita Tiffany and Chairperson of the Foundation of Astra Education, Bapak Gunawan Salim,

Disinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

All beloved children.

There are so many people want to move to Nusantara Capital, not only civil servants, but also common people. But, the common questions they ask are “Pak, when we move, where can our children study? Where are the primary schools located? How is the quality?”

So, we now have the answer for that, yes we have, in the 020 Sepaku State Primary School. As we are rehabilitating it, and it will be built by Astra Education Foundation. I’ve asked Ibu Gita, how long will it take to build it? Ten months. Well, it means I will still have the time to visit if it’s completed within ten months. But if it’s more than ten months, I will already retire by then. I am happy as it will not only improve the education quality in 020 State Primary School, but also repair and rehabilitate five other primary schools in Nusantara Capital.

So, all children will enjoy a good quality education with better facilities and infrastructure. And if I get the same questions, “Where can my second-grade child move? Where can my fifth-grade child move?” I’ve had the answer: the 020 Sepaku State Primary School and five other schools that will be rehabilitated.

Now I would like to ask students who can memorize Pancasila to raise their hand. Students who can recite Pancasila raise your hand! That one in the back. I’ll give you a bicycle if you can.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Name? Your name first.

Primary School Student (1)
Let me introduce myself, my name is Dwi Alfiansyah.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Yuli Alfiansyah?

Primary School Student (1)
Dwi Alfiansyah, Dwi Alfiansyah.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Oh, Dwi Alfiansyah. Dwi, go ahead. Pancasila, first.

Primary School Student (1)

First, Belief in the One and Only God.

Second, Just and Civilized Humanity.

Third, the Unity of Indonesia.

Fourth, Democracy guided by the inner wisdom in the unanimity arising out of deliberations among representatives.
Fifth, Social Justice for the whole of the people of Indonesia.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Relax, your answer is 100% correct. You can take this bike.

We still have one more, please answer this question. Raise your hand if you know the answer. This is only for children. Parents cannot join, children only. What is the name of the new capital of Indonesia? That one.

Introduce yourself, please.

Primary School Student (2)
Let me introduce myself, my name is Kiano Daffa Pratama.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Primary School Student (2)
Kiano Daffa Pratama.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Kiano Daffa Pratama, OK. Please answer me, what is the new capital of Indonesia called?

Primary School Student (2)
Nusantara Capital.

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
You can take the bike.

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, I am happy that the rehabilitation of the 020 State Primary School will be equipped with good facilities and infrastructure. There will be classrooms, science and ICT laboratories, library, theater room, canteen, reading space, multipurpose field, green area, reservoir conservation, and other supporting facilities. Once again, I would like to thank the Astra Education Foundation. I hope this will truly bring benefits to our society.

And by saying bismillahirrahmanirahim, this afternoon, I declare that the groundbreaking for the revitalization of the 020 Sepaku Primary School has officially begun.

I thank you.

Wassalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.


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