Speech Transcript

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Inauguration of Investor Daily Summit 2022, JCC Senayan, Jakarta October 11, 2022

Date 11 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim.  Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good morning, May prosperity be upon us all, Om swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of virtue. Honorable Leaders of State Institutions, Honorable Coordinating Minister for Maritime and Investment Affairs and the Ministers of the Onward Indonesia Cabinet, Honorable Chairman and CEO of B-Universe and the managements, leaders of companies, State-owned Enterprises, private […]

Directives of President of the Republic of Indonesia During Cabinet Plenary Session State Palace, Jakarta, October 11, 2022

Date 11 Oktober 2022

The current global economic and geopolitical situation is extremely difficult for all countries and it is becoming increasingly unpredictable with high uncertainty and volatility. This morning, I also received a call from [Washington] DC, from Minister of Finance, stating that 28 countries are currently waiting to receive assistant from the IMF. It indicates that winter […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of the 12th Congress of the Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia (LVRI) and the 11th National Conference of the Indonesian Veterans Wives Association (PIVERI), at Plaza Semanggi, Balai Sarbini, DKI Jakarta, October 11, 2022

Date 11 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good morning, May peace be upon us all, Om Swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of Virtue. Distinguished Bapak Try Sutrisno, the Sixth Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia; Distinguished Bapak Major Gen. Syaiful Sulun, Chairperson of Veterans Legion of the Republic of Indonesia (LVRI) and Ibu Femmy Eman Lesar, Chairperson of […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia following the Inauguration of Governor, Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta and Head of the National Public Procurement Agency (LKPP), at State Palace, DKI Jakarta Province, October 10, 2022

Date 10 Oktober 2022

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Yes, I just inaugurated Bapak Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X as Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta and Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya Paku Alam X as Deputy Governor of Special Region of Yogyakarta. The appointment is based on Law Number 13 of 2012 on Special Region […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia during Inauguration of PT Etana Biotechnologies Indonesia’s Factory, in Jakarta Industrial Estate Pulogadung (JIEP), Jakarta, October 7, 2022

Date 7 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, May prosperity be upon us all. Distinguished Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Indonesia His Excellency Mr. Lu Kang; Distinguished Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment and Minister of Health; Distinguished member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Mr. Sidarto Danusubroto; Distinguished Deputy Chair of Commission […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on Formation of Indonesian Football Transformation Team, at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, October 7, 2022

Date 7 Oktober 2022

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. I have received a letter from FIFA, as the follow-up on the phone conversation between President of FIFA Gianni Infantino and me on October 3, 2022. Based on the letter, alhamdulillah Indonesian football is not going to be sanctioned by FIFA. FIFA and the Government will form an Indonesian football transformation team, […]

Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Ngurah Rai Forest Park Inspection, Denpasar City, Bali Province, October 6, 2022

Date 6 Oktober 2022

This morning, together with the ministers, director generals, and governors, I saw the preparations for the G20 Summit next mid-November. I see that everything is almost ready, alhamdulillah, praise be to Allah, and I hope that the summit will also run well and smoothly. I was really surprised when I came here. [The park] has […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the 8th G20 Parliamentary Speakers Summit, at Indonesia Parliamentary Complex, Jakarta, October 6, 2022

Date 6 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, Peace and prosperity be upon us all, Om swastiastu, Namo Buddhaya, Greetings of Virtue. Honorable President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) Mr. Duarte Pacheco, Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) of the Republic of Indonesia, Madame Dr. Puan Maharani along with the leaders and members of the […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Opening of the 3rd World Conference on Creative Economy 2022 BICC, Nusa Dua, Badung Regency, Bali Province, 6 October 2022

Date 6 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Om swastiastu, Distinguished Director General of the WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization) Daren Tang, Distinguished Minister of Creative Economy and Tourism, Distinguished Minister of Foreign Affairs, Governor of Bali, delegates in attendance,   Ladies and Gentlemen. Almost all the beauty, enjoyment, and ease of life are products of creative industry. Cities, […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia during the Opening of 5th Congress of the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), at Nusa Dua, Bali Province, October 5, 2022

Date 5 Oktober 2022

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, May peace be upon us all, Om swastiastu. Distinguished Chief and Deputy Chief of Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia, as well as Constitutional Justices; Honorable President Emeritus, Special Representative of the Venice Commission Mr. Gianni Buquicchio; Distinguished Ministers, Governor of Bali, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and equivalent […]
