Speech Transcript

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia H.E. Joko Widodo on Joint Press Statement with Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe on 15 January 2017, at the Bogor Presidential Palace, West Java

Date 15 Januari 2017

Unofficial English Translation   Your Excellency Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen. It is an honor for me this afternoon to receive the visit of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe at the Bogor Palace. Your Excellency’s visit is the first visit of foreign leader to Indonesia in 2017. This certainly signals […]

Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia on the Increase in Indonesia’s Hajj Quota at the Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on 11 January 2017

Date 11 Januari 2017

Unofficial English Translation  Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, As the follow-up of my visit to Saudi Arabia  in September 2015 and the meeting with Saudi Arabian Deputy Crown Prince in Hangzhou in September 2016, I have instructed Minister of Religious Affairs and Minister of Foreign Affairs to have further discussions with the Saudi Arabian Government.

Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at Limited Meeting on Mineral and Coal Business Activities at the Presidential Office, Jakarta 10 January 2017

Date 10 Januari 2017

Unofficial English Translation  This afternoon’s Limited Meeting will discuss mineral and coal business activities. I would like to remind you all that mineral and coal are our non-renewable natural resources. At the moment, Indonesia is at the 10th place in the ranking of the world’s coal reserves. However, we have to remember that one day […]

Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Limited Cabinet Meeting on the Development of the Sea Toll Program through Logistic Posts and Air Bridge, 5 January 2017 at the Presidential Office, Jakarta

Date 5 Januari 2017

Unofficial English Translation  Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Our limited cabinet meeting agenda this afternoon will discuss the development of the Sea Toll Program with Logistic Posts and Air Bridge. As we enter the year 2017, I would like to reiterate priorities in the development of transportation infrastructures that build connectivity among cities, among regencies, among provinces, […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia H.E. Joko Widodo on The Release of Humanitarian Assistance from Indonesia for Rohingya/Rakhine State, on 29 December 2016, at Terminal 3, 302 Pier, Tanjung Priok Seaport, Jakarta

Date 29 Desember 2016

Unofficial English translation  Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh,           Alhamdulillah, today, Thursday, 29 December 2016, we will soon dispatch ten containers of goods to Myanmar to help our brothers and sisters in Rakhine State, particularly the Muslim community. The ten containers include instant noodles, baby food such as wheat and cereals as well as sarong.

Introductory Remarks of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in Limited Meeting on Preparation of Christmas and New Year at the Presidential Office, Jakarta 22 December 2016

Date 22 Desember 2016

Unofficial English Translation  Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, Peace be upon us all, This is a routine preparation ahead of Christmas and New Year. This afternoon’s limited meeting will discuss the issues relating with Christmas and New Year, such as food or nine basic commodities, fuel stock as well as transportation.
