Speech Transcript

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia After Attending Rice Harvest in Kartoharjo Village, Ngawi Regency, East Java Province, March 11, 2023

Date 11 Maret 2023

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) After [the harvest] in Kebumen yesterday, we are now attending the harvest in Ngawi regency, East Java province. I have seen the differences in terms of productivity per hectare. Here, the productivity level has reached 10.5 tons per hectare, some have reached 8 tons per hectare. Yesterday, […]

Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia after Handing Over Land Certificates, Social Forestry Decrees, and Agrarian Reform Object Decrees (TORA), in Kesongo Area, Gabusan Village, Jati District, Blora Regency, Central Java Province, March 10, 2023

Date 10 Maret 2023

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) It is crucial to solve issues in Blora regency one by one, particularly relating to land dispute. That is really important. If we live in a disputed land, it makes us inconvenience. So, the issues have been solved by Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/the National […]

Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia After a Visit to Mendenrejo Market, Kradenan District, Blora Regency, Central Java Province, March 10, 2023

Date 10 Maret 2023

Journalists Sir, [your opinion] regarding the visit to this Mendenrejo Market, Sir? Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Alright, this Mendenrejo Market in Kradenan district, Blora regency, is located in a remote area so we need to also check the prices. Earlier, I checked, the prices are good, even the  price of shallots is only Rp30,000, […]

Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia During the Inspection of the Tax Return Reporting Process at Surakarta Tax Office, Surakarta City, Central Java Province, March 9, 2023

Date 9 Maret 2023

This afternoon, I visited Surakarta Tax Office to inspect the process of reporting annual tax return (SPT). I was amazed that people would stand in line to file their annual tax return. They could’ve filled it through e-filling online app from home but they wanted to ensure they have filed the right form. They would […]

Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia after Inspecting Rice Harvest at Lajer Village, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province, March 9, 2023

Date 9 Maret 2023

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) We are having harvest season in many provinces. I have talked to farmers, they told me that the price of harvested dry unhusked rice fell to Rp4,200. This is too low. The Government is currently calculating [the price] and the National Food Agency will soon unveil the […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia During Inauguration of Area-Based Shrimp Cultivation Pond in Plesung Village, Karangrejo, Petanahan District, Kebumen Regency, Central Java Province, March 9, 2023

Date 9 Maret 2023

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good afternoon, May prosperity be upon us all. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today we will inaugurate a shrimp cultivation pond in Kebumen regency. In this area-based shrimp pond, there are approximately 60 hectares completed which will produce shrimp. We hope that one hectare will produce more than 40 tons. This shrimp cultivation […]

Press Statement of President of the Republic of Indonesia After Witnessing the Handover of C-130J-30 Super Hercules A-1339 and A-1315, at Halim Perdanakusuma Airforce Base, East Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta, March 8, 2023

Date 8 Maret 2023

President of the Republic of Indonesia (Joko Widodo) Yes, this is C-130J-30 Super Hercules, which we just received this morning These are state-of-the art airplanes. I was told they can carry 98 fully-equipped paratroopers or 128 troops or equal to 19.9 tons. It means they are good for military and non-military operations, for example when […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia during Inspection of the Cooperative of Al-Ittifaq Islamic Boarding School, Bandung Regency, West Java Province, March 6, 2023

Date 6 Maret 2023

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Distinguished Kiai (Islamic teacher); Ladies and Gentlemen who I cannot mention one by one. The farmers. This morning, I was truly amazed when I first entered Al-Ittifaq. I was surprised that there is an Islamic boarding school that applies good management in its agricultural business, which starts from the market demand […]

Remarks of President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Inauguration of Mayapada Hospital Bandung in Bandung City, West Java Province, March 6, 2023

Date 6 Maret 2023

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Good morning. May peace be upon us all. Distinguished Minister of Health, Minister of State Secretary, Vice Governor of West Java Province, Mayor of Bandung, Distinguished founder and owner of Mayapada Group Prof. Dr. Dato Sri Tahir, all members of the Board of Directors of Mayapada Hospital Bandung, Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen, […]
