Pertemuan Bilateral Presiden RI dengan Presiden Zanzibar, di Hotel Mulia Nusa Dua, Provinsi Bali, 2 September 2024

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 2 September 2024
Kategori: Sambutan
Dibaca: 323 Kali

Sambutan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Pertemuan Bilateral dengan Presiden Zanzibar, 2 September 2024

President Hussein, welcome to Indonesia, and thank you for Your Excellency’s presence.

Your Excellency, I would like to reiterate Indonesia’s commitment to continue to strengthen economic cooperation with Zanzibar, especially in three main sectors.

Namely, first, on blue economic cooperation. Indonesia would like to become an important partner to Tanzania and Zanzibar, and stand ready to share our experience regarding fisheries management, marine tourism and conservation of marine ecosystems. An MoU on development of the blue economy with Tanzania has also been signed and I hope that it can also be expanded to Zanzibar.

Second, on tourism cooperation. Indonesia stands ready to share our experiences related to tourism promotion and management, that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. At the moment, an MoU on tourism cooperation with Tanzania and Zanzibar is being discussed internally, hopefully this collaboration will strengthen the cultural and economic ties between our two countries.

Third, on development cooperation. Indonesia is consolidating its role as a new emerging donor and we are open to work together with Zanzibar with programs to suit the needs of Zanzibar through the Indonesian Aid mechanism.

Next, I invite President Hussein to share your views.

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