Pernyataan Pers Bersama Presiden RI dan Presiden Republik Filipina di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat, 5 September 2022

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 5 September 2022
Kategori: Keterangan Pers
Dibaca: 908 Kali

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)

Yang Mulia Presiden Marcos beserta Ibu Negara,
Sungguh suatu kehormatan bagi Indonesia menerima kunjungan luar negeri pertama Presiden Marcos beserta delegasi, dan baru saja kita membahas penguatan kerja sama bilateral di berbagai sektor, kerja sama kawasan dalam konteks ASEAN.

Mengenai kerja sama bilateral, saya menyampaikan beberapa hal. Yang pertama, kita mendorong peningkatan volume perdagangan secara signifikan. Dibandingkan tahun lalu, perdagangan Indonesia-Filipina sudah naik hampir 50 persen. Indonesia secara khusus mendorong peningkatan ekspor produk makanan dan minuman, farmasi, serta produk kelapa dan rumput laut.

Saya mengajak Filipina untuk terus mengembangkan potensi perdagangan dan juga konektivitas di wilayah perbatasan. Saya mengusulkan revitalisasi jalur Kapal RoRo Bitung-Davao dan membuka jalur penerbangan Manado-Davao.

Yang kedua, peningkatan intensitas kerja sama infrastruktur dan industri strategis. Beberapa BUMN Indonesia sudah ikut serta dalam program pembangunan di Filipina, misalnya proyek pengadaan dua Kapal Landing Platform Dock oleh PT PAL dan proyek persinyalan kereta di Manila oleh PT Len. Saya berharap agar rencana pembelian Pesawat NC212i dari PT Dirgantara Indonesia dapat direalisasikan. Ke depan, saya ingin semakin banyak kesempatan bagi BUMN dan perusahaan swasta Indonesia mendukung pembangunan di Filipina

Yang ketiga, penguatan kerja sama perbatasan. Kita sepakat untuk meninjau kembali dua perjanjian pengamanan perbatasan agar terus relevan bagi masyarakat di perbatasan, yaitu Revised Border Crossing Agreement dan Border Patrol Agreement. Kita juga berkomitmen mempercepat perundingan delimitasi batas landas kontinen berdasarkan UNCLOS 1982.

Keempat, di bidang pertahanan dan keamanan. Kita mendorong penguatan kerja sama untuk keselamatan dan keamanan perairan di wilayah perbatasan. Saya sangat menghargai telah dilakukannya penandatanganan Agreement on Cooperative Activities in the Field of Defense and Security. Saya senang kita telah memperbarui Trilateral Cooperative Arrangement (TCA) antara Indonesia, Filipina, dan Malaysia, karena sangat penting dalam mengamankan jalur perairan dari ancaman penyanderaan dan penculikan.

Kelima, kita juga membahas kerja sama kawasan, bagaimana memperkokoh ASEAN dan implementasi dari ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific.  Saya tekankan mengenai pentingnya memperkokoh sentralitas dan kesatuan ASEAN. Indonesia ingin memastikan agar ASEAN terus menjadi lokomotif stabilitas perdamaian dan kemakmuran kawasan. ASEAN harus mampu mengatasi berbagai tantangan ke depan dan memperkokoh penghormatan terhadap Piagam ASEAN.

Dan untuk memperkuat sentralitas ASEAN, saya menggarisbawahi pentingnya implementasi ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific melalui kerja sama yang konkret dan inklusif. Dalam konteks ini Indonesia akan mengadakan Indo-Pacific Infrastructure Forum di tahun depan. Saya juga mengapresiasi komitmen Filipina untuk mendukung penuh keketuaan Indonesia di ASEAN tahun 2023.

Selanjutnya, dengan hormat saya mengundang Presiden Marcos untuk menyampaikan pernyataannya. Saya persilakan.

Terima kasih.

Presiden Republik Filipina (Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos Jr.)

Thank you very much, President Widodo and Madam First Lady and members of the Ministers who are here today.

As is proper for the time that we face today, our discussions began as a recognition of the long relationship that the Philippines and Indonesia had so long that in two years’ time we are celebrating the 75th year of our diplomatic relations, although our relations go much further than that because we consider Indonesia is not only a neighbour, not only a friend, but kin. And for that and on that basis, we spoke about the difficulties that we as members of ASEAN face after the pandemic, and this is why trade is such an important part of what we spoke and what we have agreed upon in today’s discussions.

We continue to thank Indonesia for the assistances and their involvement in the infrastructure programs of my predecessor, President Duterte, and their continuing commitment, not only to go on with these programs, but to increase the volume and the closeness between our two countries.

We also spoke at length about the role that we believe ASEAN should play, while we face the difficulties in this very volatile time in geopolitics, not only in our region but also in the rest of the world. And we agreed that ASEAN is going to be the lead agent in the changes that we would like to see in continuing to bring peace to our countries. And again, the assistances that we have received from Indonesia have been a very important part of that.

We continue to work on growing our relationship to making it stronger. So much so, that in actual fact our discussions progress so rapidly that we, the President and I, have agreed to organize task forces already to meet and discuss, even at the technical level, no longer the political or the diplomatic level, but at the technical level so as to be able to take full advantage of the opportunities that we feel that are available to us. And that we will need to exploit to succeed in the near future.

I express my belief to President Widodo that this partnership between Indonesia and the Philippines, but this partnership that we make with all our partners and allies and friends around the world will be of critical importance, so that we remain stable as we grow out of the pandemic economy, and we work together and help each other to develop regional peace and regional development.

And for that, I thank once again the President for his very kind invitation. I believe that we have made a proper choice in coming to Jakarta as my first state visit as President of the Philippines. And I believe that this is only the beginning of many more things to come between Indonesia and the Philippines.

Once again, I thank the President and Madam First Lady. I also thank the Indonesian people for their openness and their warmth as they welcome us since we have arrived here.

Thank you very much.

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