Indonesia-Australia Roundtable Business, 10 Februari 2020, di Hyatt Hotel Canberra, Australia

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 10 Februari 2020
Kategori: Pengantar
Dibaca: 690 Kali

Good afternoon all CEOs, Ambassador, Ministers.

I am honored to be here this afternoon and meet the business sector from Australia and Indonesia. This is not my first visit to Australia but this is my first visit to Australia in my second term in office.

I am sure you would all like to hear my priorities for the next 5 years.

In general, I have 5 main priorities until 2024 in human capital development, continuation of infrastructure development, regulatory simplification, bureaucracy simplification, economic transformation from natural resources-based economy to manufacture and modern services-based economy.

You have probably seen the massive infrastructure development that we have undertaken in the last 5 years. Toll route, seaport, new airports, powerplant, and infrastructure development has contributed to the positive growth of Indonesia economy by more than 5 percent in the last 5 years. Infrastructure development is also a long term asset that will continue to support economic growth.

Another main priority is human capital development. I believe we can have a good partnership with Australia in this sector. I welcome Indonesia’s partnership with Monash University. Monash University will become the first foreign university to open a campus in Indonesia.

On investment climate, I will continue to pursue my commitment to create a better investment climate. This time I will try to once and for all through the issuance of an omnibus law, omnibus regulation. This omnibus law will simplify all rules and create a conducive investment climate. My target is to complete the omnibus law by the first semester of 2020. Very fast.

The world is increasingly full uncertainties. Protectionism is on the rise. Protectionism may bring benefit in the short term but I believe in the long term, in the long term, in the long run, it will not help to achieve equitable global economic growth. I am grateful that Indonesia and Australia share a common view on creating a fair and mutually beneficial open economy. On this note, I very much welcome the completion of IA-CEPA (Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Agreement) ratification.

We must ensure IA-CEPA implementation brings benefit for people in both countries. We must show arrangement such as CEPA can be mutually beneficial and create a win-win solution. Therefore, IA-CEPA will not only remove tariff between the 2 countries, but it will open investment opportunities for Australia in various sectors, and I hope it will also open the flow of people between the 2 countries.

Overall, our economic tie is strong. However, it has yet to reflect the true potential. With this in mind, IA-CEPA must truly become the driver in boosting economic relations. We must focus on cooperation that can result in fast concrete outcomes in the 100 days following the ratification of IA-CEPA. Through this, our people will understand that IA-CEPA can indeed bring benefits.

The strategic economic partnership will be supported by a solid geostrategic partnership. Indonesia and Australia are partner in ASEAN, the Indo-Pacific, G20, and partner in many international issues. Therefore, there is no reason for the 2 countries not to build a strong relation.

I invite everyone here today to increase cooperation with Indonesia, to increase investment in Indonesia. And I am here with my Minister of Economic Affairs and members of the Indonesian Chambers of Commerce, please consult with them on any issues you may face and to discuss new business opportunities. Indonesia is open for business. I believe your choice to work together with Indonesia is the right choice.

Thank you.

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