MIKTA Leaders’ Gathering Ke-1 di Bharat Mandapam, IECC, Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India, 9 September 2023

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 10 September 2023
Kategori: Sambutan
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Sambutan Presiden Joko Widodo pada MIKTA Leaders’ Gathering Ke-1, 9 September 2023

Your excellencies,
Welcome to the MIKTA Summit. We understand today’s global challenges are very complex and to answer those challenges, collaboration and cooperation is the answer. In that regard, I would like to emphasize three things.

First, becoming a positive force. All countries must become a part of the solution to global challenges. MIKTA must ensure fulfillment of development rights of all countries including the global south to carry out industry downstreaming and become part of global supply chains.

Second, supporting an inclusive recovery. MIKTA must continue to promote inclusive recovery through digital transformation. Currently, ASEAN already has a Digital Economic Framework Agreement (DEFA) which can multiply the digital economy to USD2 trillion by 2030.

Third, promoting multilateralism. MIKTA must push for global governance reform that accommodates the voices and the needs of developing countries and must be in line with their objective and era.

Your excellencies,
Let us continue to strengthen our synergy, to create a better world for all. Thank you.

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