Peninjauan Pasar Badung, di Kota Denpasar, Provinsi Bali, 17 November 2022

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 17 November 2022
Kategori: Keterangan Pers
Dibaca: 895 Kali

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Pertama-tama saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh media yang telah meliput acara G20. Perlu saya sampaikan bahwa pagi hari ini setelah acara G20, saya ke Pasar Badung untuk seperti biasanya, saya ingin melihat harga-harga barang, kemudian inflasi yang itu penting dalam hal kita membuat policy dari keadaan-keadaan yang ada di pasar. Dan, itu kita lakukan kalau pas saya berkunjung, baik ke desa, ke kota di 514 kabupaten/kota, ke provinsi, dan lain-lainnya.

Every morning I take numbers as breakfast on macro and micro economics. And I also often check, check directly to the market, I always directly check to the market every visit to the region, every visit to the city and regency, every visit to the villages. I definitely go to the market. I speak directly to the people. I listen directly from the people and to see what are the conditions, what are the challenges, what are the effects of inflation. Going to the market like this made me understand, made me understand and understand really well what the community is facing, so that I can make the policies. Thank you.

Wartawan asing
How do you think the Chinese Government can help the local market like this? Maybe our techno transformation can help. So, what is your comment?

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
No. You know, 2,5 years, 2,5 years we have pandemic. So I must help the seller, I must help the micro and small enterprise with capital, very important.

Wartawan asing
As a president, you seem to like to be where the things happened. You’d like to come to market. And then as President and host of G20, you’d like to go to Ukraine, to Rusia. You have made a huge effort in making the Summit of G20,  a place where people would join, and finally there was a joint declaration. Have you seen a world less divided into block? Do you think the next Presidency of G20 India, will have a bit easier, because the world is less divided?

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
We need cooperation, we need collaboration, not rivalry, not often conflict. No.

Wartawan asing
And do you think that is going to be more possible?

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
With the room of dialogue, with good communication, I think we will have the solution.

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