Pernyataan Pers Bersama Presiden Republik Indonesia dan Perdana Menteri Australia, di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat, 6 Juni 2022

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 6 Juni 2022
Kategori: Keterangan Pers
Dibaca: 1.639 Kali

Yang terhormat Perdana Menteri Anthony Albanese.
Merupakan kehormatan bagi saya menerima kunjungan Perdana Menteri Australia yang baru, Bapak Anthony Albanese beserta delegasi.

Saya bergembira bahwa Indonesia menjadi tujuan yang pertama kunjungan bilateral Perdana Menteri Albanese, setelah dua minggu yang lalu dilantik sebagai Perdana Menteri Australia ke-31. Hal ini menunjukkan kedekatan antara pemerintah dan masyarakat kedua negara.

Perdana Menteri Albanese bukan orang baru bagi saya, kita pernah bertemu di tahun 2020, dan Indonesia juga menjadi negara pertama yang dikunjungi pada saat beliau terpilih sebagai Ketua Oposisi di tahun 2019. Jumat lalu, kita juga melakukan pembicaraan per telepon. Indonesia dan Australia telah memiliki dua fondasi kuat dalam hubungan bilateral, yaitu kemitraan strategis komprehensif yang dimiliki sejak 2018 dan Indonesia-Australia CEPA (IA-CEPA) yang sudah mulai berlaku di tahun 2020. Dua fondasi ini sangat penting bagi kedua negara untuk terus memperkokoh kerja sama bilateral yang saling menguntungkan. Dalam pertemuan bilateral tadi kita membahas dua isu besar, yaitu upaya memperkuat kerja sama bilateral dan saling tukar pendapat mengenai berbagai isu di kawasan dan dunia.

Mengenai isu-isu bilateral, kita lebih fokus berbicara mengenai kerja sama ekonomi. Beberapa hal yang saya sampaikan, pertama, saya menyampaikan pentingnya perluasan akses ekspor produk Indonesia dengan nilai tambah tinggi ke Australia, misalnya otomotif. Ekspor perdana mobil CBU (completely built up) buatan Indonesia ke Australia telah dimulai di bulan Februari yang lalu dan saya mengharapkan akses ekspor seperti ini akan terus terbuka.

Yang kedua, saya mengharapkan implementasi IA-CEPA, terutama terkait kesempatan WNI (Warga Negara Indonesia) untuk bekerja di Australia dapat ditingkatkan, termasuk penambahan kuota Working Holiday Visa menjadi lima ribu peserta per tahun.

Yang ketiga, saya menyambut baik kerja sama di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan. Pembukaan kampus Monash University di BSD diharapkan meningkatkan investasi Australia bagi pengembangan SDM (sumber daya manusia) berketerampilan tinggi di Indonesia. Saya juga mengapresiasi investasi Aspen Medical untuk membangun 23 rumah sakit dan 650 klinik di Provinsi Jawa Barat, senilai USD 1 miliar selama 20 tahun.

Yang keempat, penting bagi kita untuk memperkuat ketahanan pangan. Kita membahas upaya menjaga keberlanjutan rantai pasok pangan, termasuk gandum, di tengah situasi dunia yang sangat sulit ini. Kerja sama peningkatan kapasitas di bidang food processing, food innovation, dan rantai pasok, penting untuk diperkuat. Saya juga menekankan pentingnya MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) pertanian antara kedua negara segera diimplementasikan.

Kelima, pentingnya penguatan kerja sama energi dan perubahan iklim. Saya menyambut baik inisiatif PM Albanese terkait kemitraan infrastruktur dan ketahanan iklim Republik Indonesia-Australia dengan dana hibah awal sebesar AUD 200 juta. Saya juga menyambut baik komitmen investasi Fortescue Metals Group di bidang hydropower dan geotermal senilai USD 10 miliar, dan Sun Cable di bidang energi senilai USD 1,5 miliar.

Untuk isu kawasan dan dunia, kita antara lain melakukan tukar pikiran mengenai perang di Ukraina, kerja sama Indo-Pasifik dan penguatan kemitraan pembangunan di Pasifik.

Secara umum, saya menyampaikan kembali posisi konsisten Indonesia bahwa hubungan baik kedua negara dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi perdamaian dan kemakmuran kawasan. Untuk itu, prinsip-prinsip dan hukum internasional harus dipatuhi secara konsisten. Strategic competition di kawasan perlu dikelola dengan baik untuk menghindari terjadinya konflik terbuka. Budaya damai dan strategic trust perlu terus diperkuat. Kita juga sepakat untuk memperkuat kemitraan di Pasifik, terutama di bidang iklim, perikanan, dan pertanian.

Terakhir, saya berharap Perdana Menteri Albanese dapat hadir dalam KTT G20 di bulan November, di Bali.

Demikian yang dapat saya sampaikan. Sekarang saya mengundang Yang Terhormat Perdana Menteri Albanese untuk menyampaikan pandangannya.

Terima kasih.

Perdana Menteri Australia (Anthony Albanese)
Terima kasih, Mr. President.

I want to thank President Joko Widodo and his ministerial team for their very warm welcome and for hosting a most productive Annual Leaders’ Meeting. So, I reiterate, Mr. President. Terima kasih, Bapak Presiden.

Australia’s relationship with Indonesia is one of our most important, we are linked not just by geography, we are linked by choice. We have enjoyed a long history of cooperation and friendship, and our relationship is ever-deepened by the strategic and economic interests that we share.

Here in Jakarta, I am accompanied by Foreign Minister Penny Wong, Trade Minister John Farrell, Industry Minister Ed Husic, and Luke Gosling, who represents Darwin in my team. A group of senior Australian business leaders have also joined me. We have all come because of our collective regard for Indonesia, the importance of the agenda that we have just discussed and the enormous opportunity that we see here. I have a lot of respect for President Widodo’s high ambitions for Indonesia’s future and I share his optimism.

Today, I informed President Widodo that I will attend the G20 Leaders’ Summit in Bali in November. I did so because the work of the G20 is critical at this time of global economic uncertainty and it will be by working with Indonesia that we most effectively tackle the many challenges we face in navigating the post-COVID global economic recovery. I will work closely with President Widodo to help deliver a successful summit and we discussed that this morning.

Indonesia is on track to be one of the world’s five largest economies. Revitalising our trade and investment relationship is a priority for my government and it is why we plan to work with Indonesia to realise the potential of the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement. Our economic ministers will meet regularly and we will continue to secure the backing of business on both sides. My government will work with Australian Super Funds, among our largest investors, to explore investment opportunities here in Indonesia, and the senior Australian CEOs who are here with me will be at the vanguard of a sustained campaign by Australian government and business to seize these opportunities.

Bapak Presiden, I also look forward to advancing our $200 million climate and infrastructure partnership with Indonesia. True to my government’s ambitious climate targets, I want better access to affordable, reliable, and secure clean energy right across our region as we transition to a Net Zero World together. Your planned national capital, Nusantara, is an incredibly exciting prospect, a nation-building project signalling where Indonesia is headed and I am pleased to offer Australian technical expertise to help you plan a clean, green high-tech city.

My government also intends to rebuild Australia’s Indonesian language skills through support to the Australian consortium for in-country Indonesian Studies program. More Australians speaking Bahasa Indonesia will be vital to deepening our relationship. Several of my ministers and MPs including the Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen and the Member for Solomon Luke Gosling who are here today have studied Bahasa Indonesia. Australia will provide 10 “Recover Together, Recover Stronger” Scholarships for Indonesians to complete Masters or PhDs in Australia. Recipients will study in fields matching Indonesia’s G20 priorities: global health architecture, sustainable energy transition and digital transformation.

Bapak Presiden, I also welcomed our discussion on regional and global interests. Deepening engagement with southeast Asia is a priority for my government. We will deliver an additional $470 million over four years for Australia’s bilateral and regional Overseas Development Assistance programs in Southeast Asia. We will appoint a dedicated high-level roving regional envoy. We will establish an Office of Southeast Asia in the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to ensure the whole-of-government coordination of Australia and efforts in the region. We will deliver a comprehensive ASEAN Economic Strategy to 2040 to map current and future export and investment opportunities across key ASEAN markets.

I reiterate today that ASEAN and ASEAN-led institutions are at the absolute centre of our vision for the Indo-Pacific. Australia supports the Asian Outlook on the Indo-Pacific and its vision for a peaceful, prosperous, and secure Indo-Pacific. This also means supporting Indonesia’s leadership in the region including your ASEAN Chair year, next year. I welcomed our recommitment to Australia-Indonesia MoU on trilateral cooperation with the Pacific, a framework for both of our countries to support the needs of our Pacific neighbours, and our MoU on Agricultural Cooperation, supporting our mutual efforts to tackle food security challenges at a time of reduced global food supply and increasing prices that we are all dealing with.

To finish, can I say, Mr. President, that I was pleased we recognized our significant defence and security relationship and all this does to support regional security and stability. Our work together continues to grow in scale and in sophistication.

I look forward Bapak Presiden to hosting you in Australia for our next Annual Leaders’ Meeting. When that day comes, I hope I can make you feel as welcomed as I have felt here today. Although I can’t promise a bike ride around the lake, barely different, but we will see how we go. Until we meet again.

Sampai ketemu lagi.

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