Pertemuan Bilateral antara Indonesia dan Papua Nugini, di Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Provinsi DKI Jakarta, 7 September 2023
Oleh Humas    
Dipublikasikan pada 7 September 2023
Kategori: Sambutan
Dibaca: 1.575 Kali
Sambutan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Pertemuan Bilateral antara Indonesia dan Papua Nugini, 7 September 2023
Your Excellency Prime Minister Marape,
It is good to see you again. I truly appreciate PNG who are towards Indonesia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, including which was shown at last month’s MSG Summit. I am also delighted that economic activity is one-scaled booming since the opening of the Skouw-Wutung border and the launch of the direct flight between Port Moresby-Denpasar.
Before we continue, I invited PM Marape to deliver his opening remarks.