Pertemuan Bilateral Presiden RI dengan Wakil Presiden Zimbabwe di Hotel Mulia, Nusa Dua, Provinsi Bali, 2 September 2024

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 2 September 2024
Kategori: Sambutan
Dibaca: 531 Kali

Sambutan Presiden Joko Widodo pada Pertemuan Bilateral dengan Wakil Presiden Zimbabwe, 2 September 2024


Your Excellency, welcome to Indonesia, and thank you for Your Excellency’s presence. And, congratulations on the reelection of President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa.

As fellow countries of the Global South, Indonesia and Zimbabwe have a responsibility to continue promoting the interests of developing countries for accelerating inclusive and sustainable development.

Your Excellency, today I would like to highlight three issues.

First, related to economic cooperation, we need preferential trade agreements to strengthen our trade sector. Furthermore, Indonesia hopes the investment protection agreement can enter into force as soon as possible. And, I also seek your support regarding Indonesia’s participation in the Zimbabwe’s government project on the procurement of medicine.

Second, on mining cooperation. At the moment, Indonesia is exploring lithium mining cooperation in Zimbabwe, and I will assign the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources to accelerate finalization of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Third, on development cooperation. Indonesia stands ready to strengthen cooperation with programs that suit Zimbabwe’s needs through the Indonesian Aid mechanism, where development of e-procurement in Zimbabwe can potentially be one of our strategic projects.

I seek Your Excellency support in this regard. I invite Your Excellency to share views.

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