Pertemuan Bilateral Republik Indonesia dengan Kerajaan Belanda, 10 Maret 2020, di Istana Kepresidenan Bogor, Provinsi Jawa Barat

Oleh Humas     Dipublikasikan pada 10 Maret 2020
Kategori: Pengantar
Dibaca: 795 Kali

Presiden Republik Indonesia (Joko Widodo)
Sekali lagi, saya ingin mengucapkan selamat datang kepada Sri Baginda Raja Willem-Alexander dan delegasi. Dan merupakan kehormatan bagi saya untuk dapat menerima Sri Baginda dan Ratu Maxima disertai beberapa menteri dan pengusaha Belanda.

Memasuki usia 75 tahun, Indonesia  memiliki komitmen kuat untuk memperkokoh hubungan bilateral dengan Belanda. Sebuah hubungan yang saling menghormati kedaulatan, integritas wilayah, saling menghormati dan saling menguntungkan. Dan kunjungan Sri Baginda akan dicatat oleh sejarah sebagai kunjungan yang bersahabat, produktif, menatap masa depan, tanpa harus melupakan sejarah masa lalu.

Sebelum saya melanjutkan, saya ingin mengundang Sri Baginda untuk menyampaikan sambutan. saya persilakan.

Raja Belanda (Willem-Alexander)
Mr. President,

Thank you very much, on behalf of the Queen and myself, and the whole delegation for the warmest welcome here today in Bogor.

This 75 years of your independence is very special year which we also warm-heartedly congratulate the Indonesian population which I will confere on my press statement on this issue as well.

It is a great opportunity to work together towards future relationship between Indonesia and The Netherlands, and therefore, I am so grateful that large parts of the Dutch Cabinet is also represented with me here, today. Sadly the Minister of Healthcare, Mr. Bruins, have had to cancel because of the coronavirus, Covid-19 virus. And the Minister of Agriculture had to also pass (the visit) because of the nitrate crisis we have at the moment. Otherwise, everybody is represented here and fully committed 110 companies have joined me on this visit because they see the importance of the relationship and the future relationship between Indonesia and The Netherlands.

So, I think that is a good introduction for our beginning of our visit.

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