Pengantar Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Pertemuan dengan Investor Global Ray Dalio di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Jumat, 7 Maret 2025
Pengantar Presiden Republik Indonesia pada Pertemuan dengan Investor Global Ray Dalio di Istana Merdeka, Jakarta, Jumat, 7 Maret 2025
Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
Salam sejahtera bagi kita sekalian,
Om swastiastu,
Namo Buddhaya,
Salam Kebajikan.
Saudara-saudara sekalian yang saya hormati,
Bapak-bapak, Ibu-ibu yang saya hormati,
Pertama tentunya kita selalu memanjatkan puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa, bagi umat Islam Allah subhanahu wa taala, atas segala karunia yang telah diberikan kepada kita atas kesehatan, sehingga kita dapat berkumpul sore hari ini untuk melaksanakan pertemuan informal dengan para pengusaha nasional Indonesia, dengan para tokoh-tokoh dan para pejabat. Terutama hari ini kita mendapat kehormatan kehadiran Mr. Raymond Thomas Dalio, seorang bisa dikatakan seorang pengusaha, seorang entrepreneur, seorang investor global yang telah banyak pengalaman selama beberapa puluh tahun yang telah bergerak di bidang ekonomi, di bidang investasi puluhan tahun di kawasan kita, di Asia, di Timur Tengah dan beliau sangat berpengalaman berinteraksi dengan sovereign wealth fund dari beberapa negara. Beliau hadir pada saat Tiongkok melakukan pembukaan dunia pada zaman Deng Xiaoping dan selanjutnya, sehingga saya kenal beliau beberapa saat yang lalu, saya banyak diskusi sama beliau dan beliau banyak mengamati perkembangan kita Republik Indonesia, dan beliau banyak memberi saya masukan.
Saudara-saudara sekalian,
Bersama-sama kita beberapa saat yang lalu telah menggagas dan telah melahirkan sebuah bisa dikatakan suatu sovereign wealth fund yang cukup besar potensinya, yaitu yang kita beri nama Badan Pengelola Investasi Danantara Indonesia, Daya Anagata Nusantara. Danantara Indonesia ini merupakan konsolidasi kekuatan ekonomi yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia, yaitu intinya BUMN usaha-usaha negara. Dan Danantara ini kita konsolidasikan untuk melaksanakan suatu perbaikan, suatu peningkatan dalam kinerja dengan melakukan suatu perbaikan-perbaikan dimana perlu perbaikan dan kita akui sendiri bahwa kita banyak perlu perbaikan semuanya supaya kinerja aset-aset kita cukup baik.
Dengan demikian kita mengundang semua pihak yang bisa memberi kepada kita suatu pandangan-pandangan yang kritis, pengalaman mereka, bagaimana mereka melakukan investasi. Sehingga nanti pengelolaan aset-aset Indonesia itu bisa dilakukan dengan sebaik-baiknya, sehati-hati mungkin. Dan bahwa nanti semua entitas ekonomi kita dilaksanakan dengan efisiensi yang bisa bersaing dengan semua entitas di dunia. Kita akan bergerak dengan cepat tapi kita akan bergerak dengan sangat teliti dan hati-hati.
Dengan demikian saya mengundang tokoh-tokoh ekonomi Indonesia yang di bidang swasta, yang sudah punya pengalaman sendiri puluhan tahun dalam manajemen, dalam investasi dalam pengelolaan untuk bersama-sama dengan pemerintah sehingga nanti pelaksanaan daripada Danantara ini akan dilakukan dengan cermat dan dengan teliti.
Saya kira itu pembukaan dari saya.
So, Ray, I hope I still can call you Ray, always. Ray you are a good friend, you become a good friend of mine and I think we will like you to be a good friend of Indonesia. I just explained how we are very fortunate in having you as a very experienced, lets I say very experienced player in global economics. A lot of experienced in Asia, in the Middle East, and in the world. And we’re very fortunate in having you as a friend, and we would like to always interact with you, listen from you, your experiences. I think you are in the position that you can talk with us openly and sometimes critically and I said we do need a critical advice. I think that’s the key to progress in the new world is always to be able to seek critical advice. And, have the courage to learn from others. I think that’s the key. So, we have already had a lot of effort but now we want to launch this, we have launched this national new foreign wealth fund. And we are very fortunate in having you today, so I think there is a very long introduction. But, I think we just go straight to the this event.
I would like to introduce you to those who are present here. So my left is I think you know him, this friend of yours, Mr. Jenderal Luhut Pandjaitan, who is now the chairman of Our National Economic Council. And, on the right next to you is our Minister of Finance, Mrs. Sri Mulyani Indrawati. And then to my left directly is our Minister Energy and Minerals, Mr. Bahlil Lahadalia.
And then around the table, Mr. Syamsuddin, more known as a Haji Isam but his full name is Mr. Andi Syamsuddin Arsyad, who’s from the Jhonlin Group. And then Mr. Chairul Tanjung from CT Corporation. And then Mr. James Riady from Lippo Group. And then Mr. Prajogo Pangestu from Barito and Chandra Asri, Barito and Chandra Asri is a petrochemical, and Barito is in a forestry and Lippo is a banking, real estate, and many other, food also. I remember it’s got one of the biggest retail in Indonesia Matahari Department Stores and supermarkets. And then Mr. Tomy Winata from Artha Graha group, into banking also real estate, a lot of social work. And then Mr. Edward Wanandi, who is actually based mostly in the United States, right? And he’s caring enough, I’ve asked him to be my advisor in helping me navigate relation with The United States. I think we need a lot of help in navigation there.
And then, Mr. Pandu Sjahrir, who is now the leadership of Danantara is the Chief Investment Officer. And then Mr. Dony Oskaria is the COO, Chief Operations Officer Danantara, is also the Deputy Minister of State Owned Enterprise. And then Mr. Sakti Wahyu Trenggono is our Minister for the Sea and Fisheries, because I know you’re you’re passionate about the ocean, so I asked him to attend. And of course, we have Mr. Rosan, Mr. Rosan is now the CEO of Danantara and he’s still the Minister of Investment and Downstream Industries. And of course Mr. Erick Thohir, Minister of State Owned Enterprise and he is the chairman of the supervisory council of Danantara.
And then we have Mr. Hashim Djojohadikusumo from Arsari Group, who happens to be also my brother, which is not his fault. And then next to it, we have Mr. Garibaldi Thohir, who is a leading entrepreneur in Indonesia. He is from Adaro Group, he happens also to be the brother of Erick Thohir, which is not Erick Thohir’s fault. And then next Mr. Garibaldi is Mr. Aguan, his full name is Mr. Sugianto Kusuma from Agung Sedayu Group, which also is conglomerate based on I think property but a lot of Industries also. And then Mr. Hilmi Panigoro, Mr. Hilmi Panigoro is from MedcoEnergi, mainly into oil and gas but also now into other forms of mining. Then we have Mr. Franky Widjaja from Sinarmas Group one of the biggest groups. We have Mr. Anthony Salim from The Salim Group.
So, and then of course I am have back up by my Minister of State and then my Cabinet Secretary, there incharge of my presidential administration. So, that’s the introduction. And now I think we invite Mr. Ray Dalio maybe to make some comments and then we can start the discussion. What do you think?